Table 3

 Hair-covering caps used during laboratory animal work

Caps used in:RUAMUA
MUA, mouse urinary allergen; RUA, rat urinary allergen.
All values are expressed in nanograms of animal urinary protien equivalent per hour and represent geometric means and 95% CIs.
*Significantly different from MUA measured during biotechnical tasks (p<0.001).
Rat rooms (n = 15)318 (155 to 654)11 (4 to 29)
Mouse rooms (n = 30)4 (2 to 9)363 (169 to 777)
Rat rooms during care-taking tasks (n = 7)537 (199 to 1449)25 (5 to 121)
Rat rooms during biotechnical tasks (n = 8)201 (76 to 533)5 (2 to 15)
Mouse rooms during care-taking tasks (n = 19)4 (2 to 12)1051* (467 to 2365)
Mouse rooms during biotechnical tasks (n = 11)5 (1 to 15)58 (30 to 110)