Table 1

 Observed (Obs) and expected (Exp) numbers of lung cancer and nasal cancer among Welsh nickel refinery workers according to period of first employment (data from Easton et al, 19929 and Sorahan and Williams, 200510)

ReferenceYear of first employmentLung cancerNasal cancer
Follow upObsExpSMR95% CIObsExpSMR95% CI
SMR, standardised mortality ratio; CI, confidence interval.
Data from Easton et al (1992)9 on men employed between 1950 and 1964 and followed through 1985 are not shown, as most of them are included in Sorahan and Williams (2005).10
*Workers who started before 1950 were only followed through 1985.
Easton et al, 19921902–19191930–19858313.46617494–769550.153764728461–49318
Easton et al, 19921920–19291930–19858828.04314253–390120.1772553751–12696
Easton et al, 19921930–19391935–19852014.4513884–21310.07143436–7987
Easton et al, 19921940–19491945–19851411.8811864–19800.06
Sorahan and Williams, 20051953–19921958–20002820.1713992–20110.1099525–5542