Table 4

 Domain specific multivariate logistic regression models for the domains sociodemography, lifestyle, and working life showing baseline determinants for excellent and poor work ability, respectively, expressed as odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI)

DeterminantExcellent work ability (n = 751)Poor work ability (n = 857)
Exposed cases (n)OR95% CIExposed cases (n)OR95% CI
The odds ratios are, in addition to the control variables sex, age, and earlier sick leave, adjusted for all determinants in respective domain.
    ⩽11 years of schooling26813581
    >11 years of schooling4660.950.80 to 1.144890.860.73 to 1.01
Personal finances
    Neither good nor bad2851.300.98 to 1.733630.660.54 to 0.82
    Good3891.671.26 to 2.212860.550.44 to 0.69
    Various household combination435115081
    Living with another adult and children3100.870.73 to 1.053460.870.73 to 1.03
    Non-smoker5731.110.90 to 1.355730.780.66 to 0.94
    25–29.92591.240.89 to 1.742840.620.48 to 0.80
    <254201.170.85 to 1.624090.550.43 to 0.70
Leisure exercise
    Once per week1601.290.96 to 1.751670.930.72 to 1.21
    ⩾Twice per week4841.280.98 to 1.665040.950.76 to 1.18
    Seldom recuperated3011271
    Sometimes recuperated1220.910.58 to 1.423050.650.49 to 0.84
    Mostly recuperated5811.961.30 to 2.963870.470.36 to 0.61
Working life
Physically strenuous work
    Strenuous (16−)6511811
    Somewhat strenuous (13–15)3461.330.97 to 1.824180.960.76 to 1.22
    Non-strenuous (–12)3311.370.97 to 1.932450.890.67 to 1.19
Heavy lifting
    ⩾6 times per day12912191
    1–5 times per day1950.990.75 to 1.302520.940.75 to 1.19
    Almost never4210.920.69 to 1.223760.810.63 to 1.04
Bent work posture
    >60 min per day11812291
    1–60 min per day3121.130.87 to 1.463950.960.78 to 1.19
    Almost never3151.641.25 to 2.172231.010.78 to 1.31
Job security
    Unchanged6401.010.70 to 1.456840.760.57 to 1.01
    Increased471.210.74 to 1.97611.010.67 to 1.52
Number of working hours
    Would like to work fewer14613081
    Content with the number5461.661.33 to 2.074570.780.65 to 0.94
    Would like to work more541.631.11 to 2.40781.180.86 to 1.63
In the mood for work
    Often feeling uneasy on the way to work2611141
    Sometimes feeling uneasy780.650.39 to 1.082440.620.46 to 0.84
    Seldom feeling uneasy6421.220.77 to 1.944920.500.37 to 0.67
    Low perception10912111
    Moderate perception4390.920.70 to 1.204761.070.86 to 1.33
    High perception1891.040.75 to 1.441501.351.00 to 1.81
Role clarity
    Moderate3991.030.81 to 1.314520.960.77 to 1.18
    High2001.280.96 to 1.711710.930.71 to 1.22
    Moderate2761.140.90 to 1.443180.890.73 to 1.08
    Low2961.321.04 to 1.691910.730.58 to 0.93
    Low decision latitude19913321
    Moderate decision latitude3001.100.88 to 1.373190.830.69 to 1.01
    High decision latitude2370.930.73 to 1.191880.730.58 to 0.92
Performance appreciated by superior
    To a rather small extent14012731
    To some extent3041.361.07 to 1.723330.970.79 to 1.19
    To a great extent2911.551.20 to 2.002211.060.83 to 1.34