Table 2

 Demographic characteristics of the three studied groups

Characteristics (all, n = 5638)Excellent work ability n = 751“Middle” work ability (comparison group) n = 4030Poor work ability n = 857
*Control variable.
†Statistically significant test of 95% confidence interval for the difference between the proportions of the excellent and poor work ability groups.
‡Statistically significant test of 95% confidence interval for the difference between the mean values of the excellent and poor work ability groups.
    Women (n = 4728; 84%)78%†84%91%†
    Men (n = 910; 16%)22%†17%9%†
    20–44 years (n = 2112; 38%)30%40%32%
    45–54 years (n = 2251; 40%)41%39%43%
    55–66 years (n = 1275; 23%)29%21%25%
    Mean age (years)48.5‡4647.5
Sick leave the year before baseline*
    0 days (n = 2038; 36%)67%†34%20%†
    1–28 days (n = 2945; 53%)29%†57%52%†
    >28 days (n = 615; 11%)4%†9%28%†
Born in Sweden (n = 384; 7%)94%93%94%
    >11 years of school (n = 3492; 63%)64%†64%58%†
10 largest professions
    Managers (n = 209; 4%)7%†3%3%†
    Medical doctors (n = 195; 4%)4%4%2%
    Primary school teachers (n = 432; 8%)8%†8%4%†
    Nurses (n = 692; 12%)14%12%14%
    Psychologists/social workers (n = 182; 3%)3%3%3%
    Pre-primary school teachers (n = 392; 7%)6%8%5%
    Childcare workers (n = 258; 5%)3%5%4%
    Assistant nurses (n = 747; 13%)12%†13%16%†
    Home based personal care workers (n = 588; 10%)10%†9%15%†
    Attendants in psychiatric care (n = 413; 7%)5%†8%9%†
Sector of employment
    Municipalities (n = 3689; 65%)65%66%64%
    County councils (n = 1949; 35%)35%34%36%