Table 1

Comparison of renal toxicity and mechanism based markers between exposed and control groups

ParameterActivity/concentration, mean (SD)Significance (p)
Control (n = 54)Exposed (n = 70)
Parameters expressed per gram creatinine.
NS, not significant.
*Statistically different at the 5% level by Student’s t test.
†Statistically different at the 1% level by Student’s t test.
GST-α (μg/g)6.18 (5.17)8.25 (9.56)NS (0.15)
Urinary RBP (μg/g)40.6 (24.6)39.9 (37.9)NS (0.91)
Urinary ALB (mg/g)5.50 (4.27)9.71 (11.6)<0.05*
Urinary α1M (mg/g)3.83 (1.85)5.06 (4.84)NS (0.08)
Urinary β2M (mg/g)70.4 (33.9)81.9 (67.6)NS (0.26)
Total NAG (U/g)2.41 (1.91)5.27 (3.78)<0.01†
NAGB (U/g)0.63 (0.83)1.96 (2.11)<0.01†
NAGA (U/g)1.79 (1.51)3.31 (2.68)<0.01†
Total protein (mg/g)19.5 (17.1)22.8 (34.5)NS (0.54)
Formate (mg/g)5.55 (3.00)9.45 (4.78)<0.01†
MMA (mg/g)1.91 (1.23)2.00 (1.30)NS (0.68)