Table 5

Garment workers’ mortality (since 1955†) from selected causes by year of first exposure (US referent rates); update of cohort to 1998‡

Cause of death (ICD codes)§Year of first exposure
Prior to 1963 SMR (OBS)1963–70 SMR (OBS)1971 or later SMR (OBS)
OBS, observed number of deaths, SMR, standardised mortality ratio, CA, cancer.
†Results for myeloid leukaemia and acute myeloid leukaemia are for 1960 and 1968, respectively, when US population rates for myeloid leukaemia and acute myeloid leukaemia were first available, through 1998.
‡Results for all race/sex groups combined.
§International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision.
*95% CI excludes the null value (1.0).
**99% CI excludes the null value (1.0).
All deaths0.91 (1543)**0.97 (494)0.88 (169)
All cancers (140–208)0.86 (412)**0.94 (142)1.11 (54)
Trachea, bronchus, and lung CA (162)0.86 (89)1.06 (39)1.83 (19) *
Prostate CA (185)1.32 (5)1.64 (4)2.80 (2)
Brain CA (191,192)1.17 (14)0.97 (4)0.76 (1)
Connective and soft tissue CA (171)1.10 (3)2.47 (3)1.95 (1)
Leukaemia (204–208)1.23 (19)0.81 (4)0.56 (1)
    Myeloid leukaemia (205)1.61 (11)1.15 (3)1.02 (1)
        Acute myeloid leukaemia (205.0)1.81 (8)— (0)1.60 (1)
Heart disease (390–398, 402, 404, 410–414, 420–429)0.93 (516)1.04 (131)1.14 (45)
    Ischaemic heart disease (410–414)0.90 (357)*1.05 (88)1.40 (33)
    Cardiomyopathy, conductive disorders, and other heart diseases (420–423, 425–428, 429.2, 429.9)1.18 (128)1.24 (37)0.88 (10)