Table 4

 Electrocardiographic findings and conduction parameters

Findings, classified according to the Minnesota methodExposed group (n = 203) %Control group (n = 94) %Difference*95% CI†
*Difference between the percentages.
†95% confidence interval for the differences between the percentages.
Q and QS patterns0.53.3−2.8−6.6 to1.0
QRS axis deviation2.51.11.4−1.6 to 4.4
High amplitude R waves21.223.9−2.7−13.1 to 7.7
T wave items0.52.2−1.7−4.9 to 1.5
A-V conduction defect3.91.12.8−0.6 to 6.2
Ventricular conduction defect1.56.5−5.0−10.3 to 0.3
Arrhythmias8.49.8−1.4−8.6 to 5.8
S-T segment increase3.92.21.7−2.3 to 5.7
Conduction parameter
PR time (ms)
    Mean (SD)164(24)165(23)
QRS time (ms)
    Mean (SD)98(11)99(9)
QTc time (ms)
    Mean (SD)407(19)411(17)
QT time (ms)
    Mean (SD)418(39)418(34)
Heart rate/minute
    Mean (SD)59(10)60(11)