Table 1

Population characteristics, respiratory disease history, and self reported respiratory symptoms of construction workers study population and non-responders

Study population (n=1335)Non-responders (n=344)
Mean (SD)*n (%)Mean (SD)n (%)
*Results expressed as mean (SD).
†n.a., not asked.
‡Significantly different (χ2; p<0.05).
Age (years)42.0 (7.8)42.9 (8.8)
Height (cm)179 (7.2)n.a.†
Employment in the construction industry (years)19.1 (9.5)n.a.
Gender, % females2 (0.15%)0 (0%)
Individuals with reported exposure to mineral dust1268 (95%)268 (78%)‡
Current smokers667 (50%)187 (54%)
Ex-smokers397 (30%)90 (27%)
Pack-years13.3 (13.0)n.a.
Did you ever have the following diseases or have you been told that you had them?
    Bronchitis161 (12%)20 (6%)‡
    Emphysema5 (0.4%)
    Tuberculoses or pleurisy25 (1.9%)2 (0.6%)
Selected respiratory symptoms
    Chronic cough (longer than three months in the past two years)174 (13%)64 (19%)‡
    Chronic cough with sputum (longer than three months in the past two years)134 (10%)30 (9%)
    Shortness of breath during normal activity124 (9%)30 (9%)
    Ever wheezing337 (25%)n.a.
    Frequent wheezing (longer than one week in the past two years)134 (10%)n.a.
    Shortness of breath during wheezing100 (7%)n.a.
    Ever attacks of asthma?117(9%)n.a.