Table 3

Physical, psychological, and organisational work factors at baseline, by the incidence proportion of sickness absence during the successive three months

Work characteristics at baselinenSickness absence, n (row %)
***p<0.001; p values for the overall variables (scales).
†Times per average shift.
Quantitative work demand
    1 (lowest quintile)1137318 (28.0)
    2581175 (30.1)
    31197371 (31.0)
    41134366 (32.3)
    5815292 (35.8)**
Frequency of lifting, carrying, or pushing heavy objects†
    01288411 (31.9)
    1–42529772 (30.5)
    5–9509155 (30.5)
    10 or more23192 (39.8)*
The extent to which the work required physical endurance
    Never or very seldom28890 (31.3)
    Rather seldom432122 (28.2)
    Sometimes1193342 (28.7)
    Rather often1527487 (31.9)
    Very often or always1367464 (33.9)*
Personal control over decisions at work
    1 (lowest quintile)679249 (36.7)
    21469467 (31.8)
    3747228 (30.5)
    4640195 (30.5)
    51316381 (29.0)*
Personal control over work pace
    1 (lowest quintile)727260 (35.8)
    21331415 (31.2)
    3799243 (30.4)
    41250387 (31.0)
    5751216 (28.8)*
Fairness of the immediate superior’s leadership
    1 (lowest quintile)1080399 (36.9)
    2502171 (34.1)
    31479407 (27.5)
    4540150 (27.8)
    51255396 (31.6)***
Support from the immediate superior
    1 (lowest quintile)833300 (36.0)
    21280414 (32.3)
    3683207 (30.3)
    4960258 (26.9)
    51101343 (31.2)**
Rewards for good work
    Not at all/very little2004697 (34.8)
    Rather little849256 (30.2)
    Some1139329 (28.9)
    Rather much651180 (27.6)
    Very much15441 (26.6)**
Encouraging and supportive culture in the work unit
    Not at all/very little7140 (56.3)
    Rather little281124 (44.1)
    To some extent1131356 (31.5)
    Rather much1987601 (30.2)
    Very much1285361 (28.1)***
Suspicious culture in the work unit
    Not at all/very little2511764 (30.4)
    Rather little1310383 (29.2)
    To some extent587212 (36.1)
    Rather much11644 (37.9)
    Very much4317 (39.5)**
Relaxing and pleasant culture in the work unit
    Not at all/very little15866 (41.8)
    Rather little378146 (38.6)
    To some extent1196390 (32.6)
    Rather much1967569 (28.9)
    Very much943278 (29.5)***
Level of role conflicts at work
    1 (lowest quintile)774217 (28.0)
    21149317 (27.6)
    3776245 (31.6)
    41394447 (32.1)
    5753293 (38.9)***
Threats or violence at work (previous 2 years)
    Never or very seldom2981882 (29.6)
    Rather seldom624195 (31.3)
    Sometimes816286 (35.0)
    Rather often342117 (34.2)
    Very often9640 (41.7)**
Harassment at work (previous 6 months)
    No46461432 (30.8)
    Yes20987 (41.6)**