Table 6

Median days on benefits (and 95%CI) in the test sample for given combinations of key variable from the predictive model

Workplace offers for RTW
Change in pain grade*Functional status†Recovery expectationsYesNo% reporting workplace offers
*Change in pain grade is divided into three groups here: “improving” indicates at least a 10 point improvement on the 0–100 scale between baseline and 4 weeks, “stable” indicates the magnitude of change was less than 10 points, and “worsening” indicates at least 10 points worse at 4 weeks compared to baseline.
†Functional status is divided into two groups at the median of each part of body specific measure.
‡For stable and worsening pain, the data were pooled over the two levels of functional status and recovery expectations due to small cell sizes.
ImprovingHighSoon14 (7 to 25)14 (13 to 19)37.5%
Not soon26 (15 to 35)29 (23 to 42)34.5%
LowSoon30 (21 to 49)49 (27 to 67)28.2%
Not soon50 (31 to 76)93.5 (78 to 131)29.3%
Stable‡High/lowSoon/not soon47.5 (36 to 68)84 (70 to 102)25.4%
Worsening‡High/lowSoon/not soon32.5 (16 to 113)112.5 (86 to 150)19.1%