Table 2

Characteristics of followed and dropout workers at 18 months

Followed (n=101)Dropouts (n=124)
Results expressed as mean (SD) unless stated otherwise.
†Either dry cough or cough with phlegm; ‡cross shift change in FEV1.
*p<0.05 in comparison with the dropouts.
Age at baseline, y 18.5 (1.7) 18.3 (1.6)
Height at baseline, cm 160.5 (4.3) 160.4 (4.4)
Atopy at baseline, n (%) 31 (30.7) 37 (29.8)
Symptoms†, n (%)
    3 months 8 (7.9) 12 (9.7)
    12 months 2 (2.0) 5 (4.0)
FVC, ml
    Baseline3103.6 (428.1)3086.6 (398.1)
    3 months3111.1 (388.2)3106.4 (386.7)
    12 months2941.7 (403.7)3051.5 (372.6)
FEV1, ml
    Baseline2722.0 (383.2)2762.3 (350.1)
    3 months2765.6 (346.2)2805.5 (331.0)
    12 months2638.6 (339.0)2718.0 (340.5)
ΔFEV1‡, ml
    3 months −31.1 (82.7) −26.8 (79.4)
    12 months −27.7 (62.3)* −48.6 (63.6)