Table 4

Odds ratios for predictors of neck pain among Finnish office workers in 1998–99 (logistic regression model, adjusted for age and time used for VDU work, n=138)

Neck pain
PredictorsOR95% CI
AIC = 174.94.
−2 log L = 158.94 (df=7).
Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit test: p=0.23.
Work related predictors
Physical work environment
    Mean score >31.0
    Mean score ⩽32.10.9 to 4.9
Distance of the keyboard from the edge of the table
    Good (⩾15 cm)1.0
    Poor (<15 cm)2.11.0 to 4.5
Individual predictors
    Female2.91.3 to 6.7
    Never smoker1.0
    Current/ex-smoker1.90.8 to 4.3