Table 2

Risk of cutaneous malignant melanoma by groups/subgroups of adults with magnetic field exposure living close to high voltage power line in Norway, 1980–96

<0.05 μT*0.05–0.20 μT≥0.20 μT
Group/subgroupGenderCases (n)ORCases (n)OR95% CICases (n)OR95% CIp value†
*μT, microtesla.
†Test for trend by assigning the scores, 1, 2, and 3 to the three levels of exposure.
‡TWA, time weighted average from birth or 1 January 1967 until date of diagnosis for case.
§TWA for the latest five years before diagnosis.
TWA‡Women3931.00222.011.09 to 3.69242.681.43 to 5.04<0.001
Men3261.00221.700.96 to 3.01201.370.77 to 2.440.103
Both7191.00441.851.22 to 2.81441.871.23 to 2.83<0.001
Latest five years§Women3791.00282.511.42 to 4.43322.951.67 to 5.22<0.001
Men3081.00283.441.84 to 6.42321.661.03 to 2.680.002
Both6871.00562.911.92 to 4.43642.101.46 to 3.02<0.001