Table 1

Exposures to hydrogen sulfide

Emissions from natural sourcesIndustrial byproduct emissionsIndustrial uses
Anaerobic decomposition of vegetable/animal matter in slurry and manure storage pits, in effluent waste, sewage and landfill sites
 Volcanoes, stagnant water, swamps and sulfurated spring waters
 A component of petroleum and natural gas where it is known as “sour gas”
 Released during the drilling of gas wells, and well testing operationsEmitted during manufacture of:
 –viscose rayon 
 –synthetic rubber compounds 
 –phosphorous pentasulfide 
 –paper and pulp making 
 Manufacture of sulfuric acid and other sulfur compounds
 Liquefied gas used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, dyes, chemical intermediates, heavy water, and refining of metals, particularly copper
 Used in research and quality control laboratories