Table 3

Pesticides used the day before sampling and the day of captan use

PesticideNumber of users (%)
The day before S1 (n = 13, 45%)Between S1 and S3
Active ingredients are italicised.
Phtalimides3 (10%)29 (100%)
    Captan 1 (3%)29 (100%)
    Folpet or iprodione2 (7%)2 (7%)
Carbamates (thiophanatemethyl, benomyl)2 (7%)1 (3%)
Triazoles (flusilazol, triadimefon, penconazol, myclobutanil)1 (3%)4 (14%)
Phenols (dinocap)3 (10%)
Diazines (buripimate, chinomethionate, pyrazophos)1 (3%)7 (24%)
Thiadiazine (dazomet)1 (3%)
Pyridine (pyrifenox)1 (3%)3 (10%)
Sulphamide (tolylfluanide)1 (3%)
Oxyquinoleate 1 (3%)
Organochlorine (endosulfan)2 (7%)2 (7%)
Carbamates (fenoxycarb, pyrimicarb, carbaryl)1 (3%)9 (31%)
Ureas (teflubenzuron, flufenoxuron)7 (24%)
Organophosphorus (phosalon, dimethoate, methidathion, vamidothion)6 (21%)3 (10%)
Avermectin (abamectin)1 (3%)
Chloronicotinil (imidaclopride)2 (7%)2 (7%)
- Formamidin (amitraz)1 (3%)
Simazine, diuron, or glyphosate2 (7%)1 (3%)