Table 1

General characteristics of the derivation and the validation set

Derivation set (n=472)Validation set (n=79)
Age (mean (SD))34.4 (9.4)28.8 (10.2)
Male workers (n (%))293 (62)33 (42)
Sensitised to laboratory animal allergens (n (%))129 (27)19 (24)
Employment years (last employer) (mean (SD))8.3 (8.9)5.0 (9.5)
Total years exposed to laboratory animals (mean (SD))11.5 (10.0)5.8 (9.1)
Hours/week worked with mice (mean (SD))5.3 (9.0)4.9 (7.6)
Hours/week worked with rats (mean (SD))8.5 (10.4)6.8 (10.2)
History of asthmatic attacks (n (%))66 (14)9 (11)
History of allergic symptoms (n (%))131 (28)20 (25)
Symptoms suggesting hyperresponsiveness (n (%))192 (41)24 (30)
Standardised residual FEV1/FVC ≤−1.64 (n (%))27/459 (6)7/69 (10)
Current smoker (n (%))127 (27)22 (28)
Doctors visit for allergic complaints (n (%))31 (07)8 (10)
Absenteeism for allergic diseases (n (%))9 (2)3 (4)
Allergic symptoms during work (n (%))152 (32)28 (35)
Allergic symptoms after work (n (%))73 (16)8 (10)
Allergic symptoms in past year (n (%))131 (28)20 (26)
Positive SPT to one of the non-animal common allergens (house dust mites, grass, tree) (n (%))177 (38)24 (30)
Positive SPT to one of the animal common allergens (cat, dog) (n (%))121 (26)15(19)
Total IgE >100 kU/l (n (%))110/471 (23)16/55 (29)