Table 1

Definition, symptoms, and signs of syndromes of the forearm

Case definition
Self reported symptomsClinical examination
At baseline
Symptom cases
    Present symptom caseAt least moderate pain in the forearm within the past 7 days.
    Chronic symptom caseQuite a lot of pain/discomfort and pain/discomfort more than 30 days within the past 12 months.
Clinical cases
    Clinical forearm caseAt least moderate pain in the forearm within the past 7 days combined with quite a lot of pain/discomfort during the past 12 months.Moderate/severe palpation tenderness (graded 2 or 3) in the proximal aspect of the forearm.
    Supinator syndromeAt least moderate pain in the forearm within the past 7 days combined with quite a lot of pain/discomfort during the past 12 months.Substantial pressure palpation tenderness (grade 2 or 3) over the fibrous arch at the origin of the supinator muscle (the arcade of Frohse). Furthermore, resisted supination of the forearm and/or resisted extension of the middle finger should produce pain in the same area.15
    Pronator teres caseAt least moderate pain in the forearm within the past 7 days combined with quite a lot of pain/discomfort during the past 12 months.Substantial pressure palpation tenderness (grade 2 or 3) on the volar side of the proximal forearm. Furthermore, resisted pronation of the forearm and/or resisted flexion of the middle finger should produce pain in the pronator teres area or paresthesias in dig 1–3.15
At follow up
Symptom cases
    Incident symptom caseAt baseline: None or less than moderate pain in the forearm within the past 7 days combined with less than “some” pain/discomfort during the past 12 months; and
At follow up: At least moderate to severe pain in the forearm within the past 7 days combined with quite a lot of pain/discomfort during the past 12 months.
Clinical cases
    Incident clinical forearm caseSame as incident symptom case combined with clinical findings.Moderate/severe palpation tenderness (graded 2 or 3) in the proximal aspect of the forearm.