Table 1

Exposure-response estimates of silica and mortality from lung disease other than cancer by Poisson regression restricting observation to cumulative exposure <10 mg/m3.y (lung disease other than cancer, excluding pneumonia, n=56, person–years=64113)

Model*ai EstimateChange in (−2lnl)RR at 1.0 mg/m3.y†RR at mean exposure‡RR at maximum exposure
*External adjusted models; stratifying on smoking (yes, no, unknown), ethnicity (Hispanics v other) and time since first observed (three levels) with external adjustment for age and calendar time using offset person-years×United States rate. Cumulative exposures were unlagged and classified in 50 levels together with unexposed level, a1 and a2 are estimated parameters in two parameter models; †Estimate for cumulative exposure of 1.0 mg/m3.y; ‡Evaluated at mean (5.79 mg/m3.y) and maximum (31.8 mg/m3.y) cumulative exposures of cases with lung disease other than cancer in full study population.
Log linear 0.181414.981.202.86321.2
Log square root 0.646615.871.914.7438.4
Log quadratic:
    a1 0.450817.721.525.030.0
    Power 0.794216.361.734.5816.0
    Linear relative rate 0.546916.491.554.1718.4
    a1 0.453916.521.454.0119.9
    a2 1.077