Table 2

Colour vision and symptom ratings in non-exposed women and men

QuestionWomen (n=28)Men (n=28)p value*
*p value in Mann-Whitney U test, p value only given when <0.1.
†One male with congenital colour blindness excluded.
‡Ratings in mm on a 0–100 mm visual analogue scale, average of three ratings per subject prior to exposure.
Color confusion index†
Symptom ratings
    1 Discomfort in the eyes 3.41.3
    2 Discomfort in the nose 4.62.6
    3 Discomfort in throat or airways
    4 Breathing difficulty 3.11.0
    Average of symptoms 1–4
    5 Solvent smell 1.30.6
    6 Headache 2.31.1
    7 Fatigue11.07.3
    8 Nausea 1.10.8
    9 Dizziness 0.70.9
    10 Feeling of intoxication 0.50.7
    Average of symptoms 6–10 3.32.4