Table 2

Mean percentages (SEMs) of work characteristics and percentages (SE) of health related behaviour after downsizing adjusted for values before downsizing

VariableDegree of downsizingp Value for linear trend3-151
Physical demands64.0 (0.7)65.4 (0.6)72.8 (0.9)<0.001
Skill discretion73.9 (0.8)69.7 (0.6)68.0 (1.0)<0.001
Participation49.9 (1.1)43.4 (0.9)44.1 (1.4)<0.001
Job insecurity3-150 11.3 (0.3)13.1 (0.2)14.5 (0.4)<0.001
Vigorous exercise12.0 (1.9)10.9 (1.5)13.0 (2.5)0.826
Smoking14.9 (1.6)16.9 (1.2)20.7 (2.1)0.029
  • 3-150 Measured only after downsizing and therefore no adjustment for job insecurity at baseline.

  • 3-151 The trend was dependent on income in physical demands (p=0.005) and on sex in participation (p=0.044) but otherwise independent of income and sex.