Table 2

Relative risk of receiving a disability pension (WAO) according to baseline factors during 32 months of follow up

CIS fatigue score quartiles (cut off points)Crude relative risk (95% CI)Adjusted* relative risk (95% CI)
Cox proportional hazard model relative risks.
*Adjusted for age, gender, educational level, and presence of a chronic condition.
†Reference group.
1st quartile (=38 ) 1† 1†
2nd quartile (>38, =54) 2.44 (1.33 to 4.50) 2.17 (1.17 to 4.03)
3rd quartile (>54, =74) 4.21 (2.16 to 8.18) 3.30 (1.67 to 6.52)
4th quartile (>74)18.9 (7.81 to 46.1)12.8 (5.14 to 32.1)