Table 5

Epidemiological studies and case reports of dermatitis due to arthropods, pisces, and molluscs

Agent Occupation Subjects Prevalence (n) Skin prick or intradermal test
(% positive)
Other immunological evidence Patch test (SPT) Other evidence
 Cod, coalfish, haddockFish stick and fillet processors104 102850% of 16 tested (cod)NDPatch: negative (cod)ND
122350% of 6 tested (cod)
 Round fishFish processors97 15611NDNDNDClinical examination
 HerringDolphinarium worker49 1NAPositive for herring, anchovy, sardine, salmon, cod, tunnyRAST (herring): positiveOpen and closed test: negative to allRub test: positive to herring, anchovy, sardine (immediate)
HRT: positive for herring, sardine, anchovy, cod, salmon, tunny
 CodCook93 1NAPositiveRAST: positiveOpen patch: positivePositive provocation test
Immediate reaction
 ShrimpShrimp processors105 110629% of 7 testedNDNDND
Waitress106 1NANDNDOpen patch: positiveND
Immediate reaction
Fishmarket worker107 1NANDNDNDPositive scatch test
Positive rub test
Loligo japonica Cook108 1NAPositivePrick prick test: positiveOpen patch: positiveND
RAST: positiveImmediate reaction
Loligo vulgaris Fishmonger92 1NAPositivePrick prick test: positiveOpen patch: positiveND
RAST: negativeImmediate and delayed reaction
  • NA=not applicable; ND=not done; SPT=skin prick test; RAST=specific IgE; HRT=histamine release test.