Table 1

Clinical features of patients with occupational asthma resulting from reactive dyes and asymptomatic or challenge negative control subjects

Patients with occupational asthma from reactive dyes (n=43) Asymptomatic or challenge negative controls (n=93)
Age (y)41.9 (8.3)40.3 (8.9)
Atopy to common inhalant allergen (%)1-150 22 (52.4)30 (32.3)
Mean exposure to reactive dyes1-165(months)66.3 (59.5)129.9 (63.2)
Challenge test to reactive dyes (n (%)):
 Early response25 (59.5)
 Late response2 (4.8)
 Dual response15 (35.7)
 Negative response5 (5.4)
Asymptomatic exposed workers (n (%))88 (94.6)
  • 1-150 p<0.05;

  • 1-165 p<0.001.

  • Values in parentheses are SD.