Table 2

The maximum 5 minute UFP numbers above baseline, and the particle size at peak concentration for each cooking method

Experiment Cooking fuel n2-150 Peak concentration above baseline of UFP/cm3
mean (SD) ×104
Particle size (nm) at peak concentration
mean (SD)
 1 RingGas42.6  (1.2)16 (13)
Electric59.4 (7.2)2-151 32 (14)2-151
 4 RingsGas614.6 (8.3)26 (12)
Electric611.1 (10.4)37 (13)
 Boil waterGas413.3 (8.1)17 (5)
Electric52-152 2-152
 Stir fryGas513.7 (12.6)41 (8)
Electric31.1 (0.2)22 (2)
 Fry baconGas659.0 (14.7)69 (10)
Electric515.9 (5.0)72 (20)
 Bake cakeGas29.8 (0.9)34 (1)
Electric23.0 (0.1)38 (6)
 Roast meatGas312.4 (2.0)31 (7)
Electric22.4 (1.4)2-153
 Bake potatoesGas312.5 (5.5)39 (2)
Electric21.6 (1.2)46 (4)
 Grill onlyGas510.3 (12.4)24 (6)
Electric57.7 (11.1)20 (7)
 ToastGas513.8 (13.9)25 (6)
Electric413.4 (4.0)27 (5)
 Grill baconGas441.3 (10.8)39 (7)
Electric353.0 (3.8)53 (9)
  • 2-150 Fewer replicated oven experiments were able to be carried out owing to a temporary failure of the SMPS system.

  • 2-151 Based on three of the five experiments, as two of the experiments did not show a rise in particle numbers.

  • 2-152 No change in concentration due to the cooking method.

  • 2-153 Not possible to give one size (multiple peaks).