Table 1

Scores on knowledge test (% correct answers) and performance indicators (% correct indicators) for the experimental and reference groups before and after a training programme for occupational physicians on rehabilitation of patients with low back pain

group n=17–18
Reference group n=12–20 Difference between groups
Time 1: Before trainingPercentage correct answers knowledge test (mean (SD))70  (11.7)67  (10.4)3
Percentage correct performance indicators (mean (SD))80 (8.4)87 (7.2)−7
Time 2: After training experimental group onlyPercentage correct answers knowledge test (mean (SD))85 (6.8)73 (6.7)12
Percentage correct performance indicators (mean (SD))91 (5.8)83 (7.4)8
Gain score before and after training (times 2−1)Difference in percentage correct answers knowledge test (95% CI)15 (8 to 22)1-165 6  (2 to 11)1-160 9  (0.4 to 16)1-150
Difference in percentage correct performance indicators (95% CI)11 (7 to 15)1-165 −4  (−9 to 2) NS15 (8 to 21)1-165
Time 3: After training reference groupPercentage correct answers knowledge test (mean (SD))84 (5.7)
Gain score before (time 2) and after (time 3) training reference groupDifference in percentage correct answers knowledge test (95% CI)11 (7 to 15)1-165
  • 1-150 p<0.05;

  • 1-160 p<0.01;

  • 1-165 p<0.001.