Table 3

Comparison of risk estimates of occupational asthma for high v low risk exposures, according to the stages of verification of job codes

(% high risk)
OR (95% CI)
n (total)173 / 285
JEM applied to original job codes172 / 28217.4 / 16.71.0 (0.6 to 1.7)
JEM applied to jobs after recoding by experienced occupational coder172 / 28519.2 / 14.41.4 (0.8 to 2.3)
JEM applied to jobs after recoding as above, and after further correction of coding errors detected during re-evaluation step172 / 28523.3 / 16.81.5 (0.9 to 2.4)
JEM applied to corrected job codes as above, plus revisions of assignments to risk group based on review of job title and industry text information172 / 28524.4 / 16.11.7 (1.1 to 2.7)
  • 3-150 After recoding it was possible to code the job titles for three additional controls; for one case, it remained impossible to code the job title.