Table 2

Age adjusted mean concentrations of glycosylated haemoglobin A1c (%) by the groups classified on the basis of job demands, job control, job strain, or worksite social support among 268 employed men aged 40–60 who had no history of diabetes mellitus or other chronic diseases in a manufacturing firm in Japan2-150

Variable2-151Subjects (n)Age adjusted mean (%)Multivariate adjusted mean (%)
Job demands:
 Second lowest614.874.89
 Second highest964.864.85
 p Value for difference (p for trend)0.747 (0.521)0.584(0.495)
Job control:
 Second lowest684.804.84
 Second highest634.894.88
 p Value for difference (p for trend)0.067 (0.150)0.058 (0.226)
Job strain:2-152
 Second lowest634.834.84
 Second highest674.914.90
 p Value for difference (p for trend)0.027 (0.004)0.006 (0.008)
Worksite social support:
 Second lowest774.864.85
 Second highest754.814.83
 p Value for difference (p for trend)0.116 (0.017)0.040 (0.041)
  • 2-150 Age adjusted mean was estimated with analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) controlling for age as a continuous variable. For multivariate adjusted average, age, body mass index, smoking, alcohol consumption, daily energy intake, leisure time physical exercise, and family history of diabetes were controlled for.

  • 2-151 The subjects were classified into four quartiles on the basis of each variable.

  • 2-152 Job strain was calculated as a ratio of job demands to job control (job demands score divided by half the job control score).21