Table 1

Standardised checklist for the assessment of methodological quality of cross sectional studies (CS), case-control studies (CC), and prospective cohort studies (PC)

Study objective
 1Positive if a specific, clearly stated objective is describedCS/CC/PC
Study population
2Positive if the main features of the study population are described (sampling frame and distribution of the population by age and sex)CS/CC/PC
3Positive if cases and controls are drawn from the same population and a clear definition of cases and controls was stated, and if people with shoulder pain in the past 3 months are excluded from the controlsCC
4Positive if the participation rate is ⩾80% or if participation rate is 60%–80% and non-response is not selective (data presented)CS/CC/PC
5Positive if the response at main moment of follow up is ⩾80% or if the non-response is not selective (data presented)PC
Exposure assessment, physical load at work (if not included in the design, not applicable (NA))
6Positive if data are collected and presented about physical load at workCS/CC/PC
7Method for measuring physical load at work: direct measurement and observation (+), interview or questionnaire only (−)CS/CC/PC
8Positive if more than one dimension of physical load is assessed: duration, frequency, or amplitudeCS/CC/PC
Exposure assessment, psychosocial factors at work (if not included in the design, NA)
9Positive if data are collected and presented about psychosocial factors at workCS/CC/PC
10Positive if more than one aspect of psychosocial factors is assessed: work demands, job control, social supportCS/CC/PC
Exposure assessment, other
11Positive if data are collected and presented about physical or psychosocial exposure during leisure timeCS/CC/PC
12Positive if data are collected and presented about occupational exposure in the pastCS/CC/PC
13Positive if data are collected and presented about a history of shoulder disordersCS/CC/PC
14Positive if exposure is measured in an identical manner in cases and controlsCC
15Positive if the exposure assessment is blinded to disease statusCS/CC
16Positive if the exposure is assessed at a time before the occurrence of the diseaseCC
Outcome assessment
17Positive if data were collected for ⩾1 yearPC
18Positive if data were collected at least every 3 monthsPC
19Method for assessing shoulder pain: physical examination blinded to exposure status (+), self reported: specific questions relating to shoulder disability or use of manikin (+), single question (−)CS/CC/PC
20Positive if incident cases are used (prospective enrolment)CC
Analysis and data presentation
21Positive if the appropriate statistical model is used (univariate or multivariate model)CS/PC
22Positive if a logistic regression model is used in the case of an unmatched case-control study and a conditional logistic regression model in the case of a matched case-control studyCC
23Positive if measures of association are presented (OR/RR), including 95% CIs and numbers in the analysis (totals)CS/CC/PC
24Positive if the analysis is controlled for confounding or effect modification is studiedCS/CC/PC
25Positive if the number of cases in the multivariate analysis is at least 10 times the number of independent variables in the analysis (final model)CS/CC/PC