Table 5

Regression of FVC, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC% on selected explanatory factors based on most recent spirometry test for 371 employees

Explanatory factorFVCFEV1FEV1/FVC
Parameter Mean β SEM β SEM β SEM
Occupational factors:
 TDI dose (ppb-months)5-151 234.25-152 0.000090.000130.000130.000110.000010.000014
 Acute exposure to phosgene (%)11.3−0.2575-160 0.0938−0.2415-160 0.0809
 Occupational asthma (%)4.6−0.0425-160 0.0157
Non-occupational factors:
 Age (y)44.8−0.0295-165 0.0031−0.0305-165 0.0027−0.0025-165 0.0003
 Height (cm)177.10.0545-165 0.00440.0405-165 0.0038−0.0015-150 0.0005
 Race (% black)28.6−0.6815-165 0.0650−0.4855-165 0.0560
 Sex (% women)6.7−0.4515-165 0.1271−0.3645-165 0.1097
 Cigarettes (pack-years)14.3−0.0045-150 0.0017−0.0065-165 0.0014−0.0015-165 0.0002
 History of non-occupational  asthma (%)6.2−0.2605-150 0.1046−0.0635-165 0.0136
  • 5-150 p<0.05;

  • 5-160 p<0.01;

  • 5-165 p<0.001.

  • 5-151 TDI dose forced into model, other factors included based on backward selection with p<0.05.

  • 5-152 Mean dose in 267 TDI unit employees.