Laney, et al. [1] provide important and compelling insight to
potential causes of the unexpected occurrence of progressive massive
fibrosis among underground coal miners in some areas of the U.S. Based on
the occurrence of “r” opacities in these films, exposure to quartz is the
likely cause. This conclusion is supported by an exposure assessment that
shows elevated exposure to quartz dust in area...
Laney, et al. [1] provide important and compelling insight to
potential causes of the unexpected occurrence of progressive massive
fibrosis among underground coal miners in some areas of the U.S. Based on
the occurrence of “r” opacities in these films, exposure to quartz is the
likely cause. This conclusion is supported by an exposure assessment that
shows elevated exposure to quartz dust in area mines.[2] However, there
is an increase in the prevalence of CWP that extends beyond these areas
and that includes CWP in lower categories [3] and that may have different
Laney et al.[1] suggest that an increase in hours worked may
contribute to the increase in the prevalence of CWP. I agree. More
important, data to support this suggestion exist. Mine operators report
to MSHA hours worked and average number of workers per quarter [4]. From
these reports, one can easily calculate hours worked per miner. Based on
these data, annual hours worked per underground miner increased from an
average of about 1700 hours per year in 1982 to about 2200 hours per year
in 2006, an increase of nearly 30%. These measures, and measures of dust
concentration, are available for each mine since the early 1970’s. They
could and should be combined to revise estimates of miners’ exposure in
relation to the occurrence of CWP and thereby evaluate this suggestion.
Clearly, a complete understanding of exposure is important for preventing
CWP. Laney et al. [1] have identified an important cause. And as they
suggest, there is more to do.
James L. Weeks, ScD, CIH
Industrial Hygiene Consultant to the United Mine Workers of America
1. Laney AS, Petsonk EL and Attfield MD. Pneumoconiosis among
underground bituminous coal miners in the United States: Is silicosis
becoming more frequent? Occ Enviro Med. Published online 22 Sep 2009.
2. Pollock DE, Potts JD and Joy GJ. Investigation into dust exposure
and mining practices in the Southern Appalachian Region. (ND) (October
28,2009). (
3. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Work-
related lung disease surveillance report 2007. (October 28, 2009).
In their study from Massachusetts, USA, on characteristics of work
related asthma, Breton CV et al. found that individuals with work related
current asthma were 4.8 times as likely to visit the emergency room at
least once, and 2.5 times as likely to visit the doctor at least once for
worsening asthma compared to individuals with non-work related asthma (1).
Work related status of asthma was determi...
In their study from Massachusetts, USA, on characteristics of work
related asthma, Breton CV et al. found that individuals with work related
current asthma were 4.8 times as likely to visit the emergency room at
least once, and 2.5 times as likely to visit the doctor at least once for
worsening asthma compared to individuals with non-work related asthma (1).
Work related status of asthma was determined by self-report of ever having
been told by a physician that asthma was work related.
The proportion of work-related asthma in this study was 6% which is
low compared to a recent statement by the American Thoracic society (2),
and so may indicate misclassification. The authors state that the timing
of the work related diagnosis is not known. This may introduce bias in
the results because physicians often hesitate to ask patients about
exposure at work (3). In our experience (4), the question of work-
relatedness is usually not addressed until further work is in jeopardy due
to the disease. If this is the case also in Massachusetts, asthmatics with
doctors diagnosed work related disease may have a more serious disease
than those without doctors diagnosed work related disease. In part this
may explain why those with work related disease were found to visit
emergency rooms and see their doctor for worsening asthma more often.
1 Breton CV, Zang Z, Hunt PR, Pechter E, Davis L. Characteristics of
work related asthma: resulta from a population based survey. Occup Environ
Med 2006;63:411-415.
2 American Thoracic Society. Amerivan Thoracic Society Statement:
Occcupationa Contribution to the Burden of Airway Disease. Am J Resir Crit
Care Med 2003;167:787-797.
3 Milton DK, Solomon GM,Rosiello RA, Herrick RF. Risk and incidence
of asthma attributable to occupational exposure among HMO members. Am J
Ind Med 1998;33:1-10.
4 Leira HL, Bratt U, Slåstad S. Notified cases of occupational asthma
in Norway: exposure and consequences for health and income. Am J Ind Med
The comment by the authors about the computer code IREP used by
NIOSH, namely: “IREP includes a DDREF, which lowers the probability of
causation [PC] for low-dose-rate exposures,” has the potential to be
misinterpreted. IREP contains two discrete DDREF distributions, one for
most solid cancers and another, more restricted, distribution for thyroid
and female breast cancers. The first mentioned, with values of DDREF
The comment by the authors about the computer code IREP used by
NIOSH, namely: “IREP includes a DDREF, which lowers the probability of
causation [PC] for low-dose-rate exposures,” has the potential to be
misinterpreted. IREP contains two discrete DDREF distributions, one for
most solid cancers and another, more restricted, distribution for thyroid
and female breast cancers. The first mentioned, with values of DDREF
ranging from 0.5 to 5, is most comparable to the inverse of the risk ratio
calculated by Jacob et al.
The IREP-based PC depends on the value selected from this
distribution. To be correct, the PC is never lowered by the DDREF for any
U.S. radiation worker whose claim for compensation is evaluated using
IREP. This is because the 99th percentile of PC is used in making
compensation decisions, unlike the U.K. compensation scheme in which the
50th percentile estimate is used.
In the U.S., values from the lower end of the DDREF distribution
(i.e., <1, which corresponds to a risk ratio >1 in the authors’
parlance) drive PC estimates at the 99th percentile. Thus, the effective
“risk ratio” produced by the DDREF in IREP as it is currently used in
making compensation decisions is influenced by values greater than 1,
which is consistent with current uncertainties in DDREF. This differs from
the approach used in the U.K., which does currently not allow for risk
ratios greater than 1. []
The paper by Laakkonen et al., (1) reported a lower than expected
rate of lung cancer in textile workers for men and women. The data in
this study, as has been previously reported (2), suggest that a dose-
response relationship exists for increasing cotton textile dust and
lowered lung cancer rates. I would like to make several comments
regarding this excellent report on dust exposure and respirator...
The paper by Laakkonen et al., (1) reported a lower than expected
rate of lung cancer in textile workers for men and women. The data in
this study, as has been previously reported (2), suggest that a dose-
response relationship exists for increasing cotton textile dust and
lowered lung cancer rates. I would like to make several comments
regarding this excellent report on dust exposure and respiratory cancer.
Numerous studies (3-7) have shown that exposure to organic dust,
especially that having endotoxin, results in lower rates of lung cancer.
These studies (2,3) have evaluated cotton textile and agricultural workers
in regard to beneficial effects. Automobile workers exposed to
contaminated machinery oils that contain high levels of endotoxin have
also been reported to exhibit lower than expected rates of lung cancer
(8). This concept has been termed the occupational hygiene hypothesis (9).
When studies are adjusted for the major confounder of lung cancer,
smoking, the benefits of exposure remained (3,6,7). Recently, a study (7)
of women Chinese textile workers, whom few smoked, reported similar
findings of reduced lung cancer. In this population, it was determined
that the influence of the small number of smokers was negligible on cancer
rates and that this population could be considered non-smokers (10).
Historically, the reason given for lower rates in these occupational
groups was a lower smoking rate, which was also suggested by Laakkonen.
If the current studies of workers exposed to endotoxin-containing dust are
analyzed in total, there appears to be a dose-response relationship (2),
as indicated in Laakkonen’s study, and the confounder smoking is not
responsible for these lower rates. A review of smoking rates indicates
that cotton textile workers have a similar or higher rate than controls or
the general population (11). Similar smoking rates in textile and
control populations was initially shown by Henderson and Enterline (12),
where rates of 51.9 and 51.2 percent for textile workers in 1967 and the
US population (control) in 1970 were observed, respectively. It should
also be noted that the epidemiological studies have been supported by
animal investigations (13), which suggest a benefit against tumor
metastasis. However, there have been epidemiological investigations that
suggest exposure to cotton textile dust result in an increased risk of
cancer (e.g. brain tumors) (14).
Recently, studies (10,15-17) of women Chinese textile workers have
reported reduced rates of cancer in other organ systems beside the lung
(e.g. liver, rectum, stomach and esophageal) . This indicates that the
benefits of occupational exposure to endotoxin may not be limited to the
respiratory system.
It has also been suggested that other occupational groups (e.g.
sewage treatment workers) (18) that are exposed to endotoxin may be having
reduced cancer rates from exposure. However, for the most part, few
investigations on the beneficial effects of occupational exposure have
been conducted. It should be noted, that one study (19) of smelter
workers that were exposed to selenium also observed a lower than expected
rate of lung cancer. This study along with those of agricultural and
textile workers indicate that benefits from exposure may be more common
than previously thought.
Based on the study by Laakkonen (1) and others (2), additional
investigation on the benefits of occupational exposure is warranted. Few
would have suggested years ago that exposure to dust in the occupational
environment would have a benefit against cancer. However, evidence for
such benefits existing is strong and the historical explanation of smoking
being the responsible effect of lowered cancer rates in these occupational
groups no longer appears applicable. Thus, benefits of organic dust
exposure in reducing cancer should be considered a real effect and
warrants intense investigation.
Some have suggested that exposure to endotoxin early in life, and
possible in the occupational environment, also provides protection against
allergy and/or asthma, which has been commonly called the hygiene
hypothesis (20). It can be suggested that the mechanisms associated with
the hygiene hypothesis and reduced cancer (occupational hygiene
hypothesis) are the same or similar. Both appear to involve toll-like
receptors and involvement of cytokines (6,11,20). For cancer, it has been
suggested that this mechanisms involves pathways that results in apoptosis
of the target cell, which is a cancer cell (6,11,21). There is likely an
interrelationship between this anti-cancer activity and inflammation.
There are, however, risks of occupational disease (20) from exposure
to endotoxin (22) and organic dust (23) and these risks are suggested to
outweigh any benefits associated with reduced cancer rates.
1. Laakkonen A, Kyyronen P, Kauppinen T, Pukkala E. (2006).
Occupational exposure to eight organic dusts and respiratory cancer.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
2. Mastrangelo G, Fedeli U, Fadda E, Lange JH. 2002. Epidemiologic
evidence of cancer risk in textile industry workers: a review and update.
Toxicol Ind Health 18: 171-181.
3. Mastrangelo G, Marzia V, Milan G, Fadda E, Fedeli U, Lange JH (2004) An
exposure-dependent reduction of lung cancer in dairy farmers. Indoor and
Built Environment 13: 35-44.
4. Lange JH, Mastrangelo G, Fedeli U, Rylander R, Lee E. (2003). Endotoxin
exposure and lung cancer mortality by type of farming: is there a hidden
dose-response relationship? Annals of Agriculture and Environmental
Medicine 10: 229-32.
6. Mastrangelo G, Grange JM, Fadda E, Fedeli U, Buja A, Lange JH.
(2005). Lung cancer risk: effect of dairy farming and the consequence of
removing that occupational exposure. American Journal of Epidemiology.
161: 1037-1046.
7. Astrakianakis G, Seixas N, Camp J, Ray R, Gao DL, Wernli K, Thomas
DB, Checkoway H. (2005) Reduced lung cancer risk associated with cotton
dust exposure in women textile workers in Shanghai, China. American
Journal of Epidemiology 161:S39 (abstract).
8. Schroeder JC, Tolbert PE, Eisen EA, Monson RR, Hallock MF, Smith
TJ, Woskie SR, Hammond SK, Milton DK. (1997). Mortality studies of
machinery fluid exposure in the automobile industry IV: a case-control
study of lung cancer. Am J Ind Med 31: 525-33.
9. Lange JH, Rylander R, Fedeli U, Mastrangelo G. (2003). Extension
of the hygiene hypothesis to the association of occupational endotoxin
exposure with lower lung cancer risk. Journal of Allergy and Clinical
Immunology 112: 219-20.
10. De Roos AJ, Ray RM, Gao DL, Wernli KJ, Fitzgibbons ED, Ziding F,
Astrakianakis G, Thomas DB, Checkoway H. (2005). Colorectal cancer
incidence among female textile workers in Shanghai, China: a case-control
analysis of occupational exposures. Cancer Causes and Control 16:1177-
11. Lange JH (2006). Reduced lung cancer in workers exposed to
organic dust: epidemiological and experimental evidence. Current Topics in
Toxicology. (in press)
12. Henderson V, Enterline PE. (1973). An unusual mortality
experience in cotton textile workers. Journal of Occupational
13. Lange JH. (1992). Anticancer properties of inhaled cotton dust: a
pilot experimental investigation. Journal of Environmental Science and
Health (Part A). A27: 505-514.
14. Gold LS, De Roos AJ, Ray RM, Wernli K, Fitzgibbons ED, Gao DL,
Astrakianakis G, Feng Z, Thomas D, Checkoway H. (2006). Brain tumors and
occupational exposures in a cohort of female textile workers in Shanghai,
China. Scand J Work Environ Health. 32:178-84.
15. Chang C-K, Astrakianakis G, Thomas DB, Seixas NS, Ray RM, Gao DL,
Wernli KJ, Fitxgibbons ED, Vaughan TL, Checkoway H. Occupational exposures
and risks of liver cancer among Shanghai female textile workers – a case-
cohort study. International Journal of Epidemiology 2006;35: 361-9.
16. Fitzgibbins ED, Ray RM, Gao DL, LI W, Seixas NS, Camp JE,
Astrakianakis G, Feng Z, Thomas DB, Checkoway H. (2006) Occupational risk
factors for esophageal cancers among female textile workers in Shanghai,
China. 163:717-25.
17. Wernli KJ, Fitzgibbins ED, Ray RM, Gao DL, LI W, Seixas NS, Camp
JE, Astrakianakis G, Feng Z, Thomas DB, Checkoway H. (2006) Occupational
risk factors for esophageal cancers among female textile workers in
Shanghai, China. Am J Epidemiol 163:717-25.
18. Lange JH, Mastrangelo G and Thomulka KW (2003) Will sewage workers
with endotoxin-related symptoms have benefit of reduced lung cancer?
(Letter), Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60:142-149.
19. Gerhardsson L, Brune D, Norberg IGF, Webster PO. (1985).
Protective effect of selenium on lung cancer in smelter workers. Brit J
Ind Med 42:617-26.
21. Lange JH, Mastrangelo G, Fadda E, Priolo G, Montemurro D, Grange
JM,. (2005). Elevated lung cancer risk shortly after smoking cessation: is
it due to reduction of endotoxin exposure? Medical Hypotheses. 65:534-541.
22. Thorn J, Rylander R. Inflammatory response after inhalation of
bacterial endotoxin assessed by induced sputum techniques. Thorax
23. Christiani DC, Wang XR. Respiratory effects of long-term exposure
to cotton dust. Curr Opin Pulm Med 2003:9:151-5.
A meta-analysis that was recently published in this journal[1]
suggested an association between excess pancreatic cancer risk and
exposure to nickel and nickel compounds (meta-risk ratio = 1.9, 95% CI =
1.2 - 3.2, based on 4 studies). Through correspondence with the authors
(Ojaj rvi et al.), I learned that their analysis excluded the many
epidemiological studies that had been conducted on workers in the...
A meta-analysis that was recently published in this journal[1]
suggested an association between excess pancreatic cancer risk and
exposure to nickel and nickel compounds (meta-risk ratio = 1.9, 95% CI =
1.2 - 3.2, based on 4 studies). Through correspondence with the authors
(Ojaj rvi et al.), I learned that their analysis excluded the many
epidemiological studies that had been conducted on workers in the nickel
refining and alloy production industries. While most of these studies
could not contribute to the meta-analysis due to a failure to specifically
examine pancreatic cancer risk, I found two studies of nickel workers that
provide relevant data.
I believe that one of these studies, which examined mortality in
11,500 nickel mining and smelting workers,[2] should have been included in
the Ojaj rvi et al. meta-analysis,[1] based on the criteria used for study
selection. Another study of more than 30,000 workers exposed to nickel
and nickel compounds in the production of nickel alloys[3] was published a
few months after the May, 1998 cutoff that Ojaj rvi and coworkers utilized
to establish the data base for their meta-analysis. The results from
these studies[2][3] add substantially to data used in the Ojaj rvi et al.
Table 1 Cancer risks in studies
of workers exposed to nickel and its compounds
Study Type
Included in Ojaj rvi et
al.[1] ?
Pancreatic Cancer Deaths
Relative Risk*
95% Confidence Interval
Plant Workers 4]
0.1 -19.9
Battery Workers[5]
0.3 4.9
Los Angeles
0.4 5.7
Montreal workplaces[7]
Case- Control
1.1 3.9
Nickel mining
and smelting workers[2]
0.7 2.3
Nickel alloy
production workers[3]
0.8 1.1
* SMR/100 for cohort studies.
Combining the data from all of these studies with the meta-analysis
random effects model employed by Ojaj rvi et al.[1] produces a meta-risk
ratio (MRR) of 1.3 (95% CI = 0.9 - 1.9). Interestingly, the two studies
designed specifically to detect excess cancer risks associated with
occupational nickel exposure[2][3] exhibit the lowest relative risks for
pancreatic cancer and differ substantially from the MRR for nickel
exposure calculated by Ojaj rvi et al. (1.9). Moreover, the estimated
relative risk (0.9) from the study of nickel alloy workers[3] is
significantly smaller (p<_0.05 than="than" even="even" the="the" lower="lower" _95="_95" confidence="confidence" limit="limit" for="for" ojaj="ojaj" rvi="ojaj rvi" et="et" al.1="al.1" mrr="mrr" _1.2.="_1.2." p="p"/> The fact that the Ojaj rvi et al.[1] MRR for nickel-related
pancreatic cancer significantly overestimates the risk observed in a large
cohort of nickel workers indicates that the authors' meta-analysis risk
estimates should be viewed with an appropriate degree of caution. These
meta-analysis results may be significantly biased because of limitations
of the studies on which they are based. In studies that relate to nickel,
the potential for misclassification bias is strong because of the complete
confounding of nickel exposure with known carcinogenic hazards such as
cadmium,[5] or asbestos, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chromium,
beryllium, polychlorinated biphenyls, and hydrazine.[4] Similarly, the
case-control study[7] that contributed the most substantial evidence of a
nickel-related pancreatic cancer risk to the Ojavarvi et al. meta-
analysis[1] provides equally strong statistical evidence of associations
between excess pancreatic cancer and exposures to ten other substances,
some of which are likely be correlated with occupational nickel exposure.
While Ojaj rvi and coworkers are to be congratulated on their
investigation of the aetiology of pancreatic cancer, it is my opinion that
their results are most appropriately viewed as hypotheses that require
further investigation, rather than compelling evidence that links
substances to the induction of pancreatic cancer. As Ojaj rvi et al.[1]
correctly suggest, research to test these hypotheses requires large
studies and more refined measures of exposure. With respect to nickel and
nickel compounds, data from large studies that were not included in the
Ojaj rvi et al. analysis[1] call into question the veracity of a
hypothesis that links nickel exposure to increased pancreatic cancer risk.
1 Ojaj rvi IA, Partanen TJ, Ahlbom A, et al. Occupational exposures
and pancreatic cancer: a meta-analysis. Occ Environ Med 2000;97:316-324.
2 Shannon HS, Walsh C, Jadon N, et al. Mortality of 11,500 nickel
workers - extended follow up and relationship to environmental conditions.
Toxicol Ind Health, 1988; 4:277-294.
3 Arena VC, Sussman NB, Redmond CK, et al. Using alternative
comparison populations to assess occupation-related mortality risk. J Occ
Env Med 2000;40:907-916.
4 Cammarano G, Crosignani P, Berrino H, et al. Additional follow-up
of cancer mortality among workers in a thermoelectric power plant. Scand
J Work Environ Health 1986;12:631-2.
5 Andersson K, Elinder CG, Hogstedt C, et al. Mortality among
cadmium and nickel-exposed workers in a Swedish battery factory. Curr Top
Environ Toxicol Chem. 1985;8:399-408.
6 Mack TM, Peters JM, Yu MC, et al. Pancreas cancer is unrelated
to the workplace in Los Angeles. Am J Ind Med 1985;7:253-256.
7 Siemiatycki J, Risk factors for cancer in the workplace, Boca
Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1991.
The Editor
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
14th September, 2012
Cadmium, arsenic and lung cancer: A complete picture?
Were the occupational lung cancers among former employees at the
cadmium recovery plant located near Denver, CO, USA due to cadmium
exposures, arsenic exposures or both? One of us recently suggested that a
"simultaneous analysis of lung cancer risks in relation to both...
The Editor
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
14th September, 2012
Cadmium, arsenic and lung cancer: A complete picture?
Were the occupational lung cancers among former employees at the
cadmium recovery plant located near Denver, CO, USA due to cadmium
exposures, arsenic exposures or both? One of us recently suggested that a
"simultaneous analysis of lung cancer risks in relation to both recent and
distant cadmium and arsenic exposures" was required, and that researchers
should "let the data speak and not design an analysis that assumes in
advance which of these variables is important".[1] Although the new paper
from Robert Park and co-workers [2] does not appear to respond to these
suggestions, we believe their data could assist with authoritative
Findings from the only other cohort study to carry out an analysis of
occupational lung cancer risks in relation to quantitative estimates of
cadmium and arsenic exposures (and exposures to other metals) were
consistent with the hypotheses that recent arsenic exposures are more
important than distant exposures, and that cadmium exposures are
unimportant.[3] In addition indirect evidence that a late stage
carcinogen was operating at the Globe plant has already been provided.[4]
Analyses of recent exposures in the current study could be illuminating
and need to be carried out.
In addition, analyses in which the size of the arsenic effect is not
constrained need to be reported. Some of the later stages of processing
at the Globe plant would only have had exposures to cadmium because the
arsenic had already been removed (e.g. solution, pigment). This contrast
provides a cell with cadmium effects only. Therefore, there is the
potential for separating the independent effects of arsenic and cadmium,
without applying constraints to the modelling.
1. Sorahan T. Cadmium, arsenic and lung cancer: the bigger picture. Occup Med (Lond) 2010;60:236.
2. Park RM, Stayner LT, Petersen MR, et al. Cadmium and lung cancer mortality accounting for simultaneous arsenic exposure. Occup Environ Med 2012;69:303-9.
3. Jones SR, Atkin P, Holroyd C et al. Lung cancer mortality at a UK tin smelter. Occup Med (Lond) 2007;57:238-45.
4. Sorahan T. Lung cancer morality in arsenic-exposed workers from a cadmium recovery plant. Occup Med (Lond) 2009;59:264-6.
1Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of
Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK;
2Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health (W) M/C 922, 2121 West Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60612, USA
We read the article by Njoku and Orisakwe comparing blood lead levels
(BLL) in rural and urban pregnant women in Eastern Nigeria with great
interest [1]. The authors found that BLL were substantially higher in
rural areas than urban areas (135+/-160 vs 77+/-100 ug/dl). This in itself
is an important finding: it may reflect a stronger reliance on locally
grown foodstuffs in rural areas, combined with the effect of lead expo...
We read the article by Njoku and Orisakwe comparing blood lead levels
(BLL) in rural and urban pregnant women in Eastern Nigeria with great
interest [1]. The authors found that BLL were substantially higher in
rural areas than urban areas (135+/-160 vs 77+/-100 ug/dl). This in itself
is an important finding: it may reflect a stronger reliance on locally
grown foodstuffs in rural areas, combined with the effect of lead exposure
from soil and dust from farming. However, the authors understate the
importance of the overall BLL in this area of Eastern Nigeria (99+/-123
ug/dl). This level is substantially higher than has been found during
pregnancy in other developing countries (e.g. Mumbai, India (geometric
mean 6.4+/-1.69 ug/dl [2]) or in developed countries where there is a high
environmental exposure (e.g. Sweden (smelter) 2.63+/-0.31 ug/dl [3]), or
even in other countries in Africa (e.g. South Africa (median 2.3 ug/dl
[4]). The reported levels are sufficient to cause overt symptoms of lead
toxicity. As the authors note, there is free flow of lead though the
placenta, with the ratio of fetal:maternal lead being about 0.7-0.9. Thus,
the BLL of the newborn infants of these mothers will be about 80 ug/dl,
and will rise further with exposure from breast-milk and local foods, and
from the environment. These children are at extremely high risk of
neurological damage and impaired growth and development, as stated by the
authors. It is of note that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) in the USA recommends chelation therapy for BLL of >45 ug/dl in
children [5]. The authors provide some data on the lead levels in local
staple foods: the high levels in these foods must reflect severe
contamination of farmland. The BLL in these pregnant women is of great
public health concern, not only for themselves, but also for their
children and subsequent generations.
1. Njoku CO, Orisakwe OE. Higher blood lead levels in rural than
urban pregnant women in Eastern Nigeria. Occ Environ Med 2012.doi
2. Raghunath R, Tripathi RM, Sastry VN, Krishnamurthy TM. Heavy
metals in maternal and cord blood. Sci Total Environ 2000;250:135-41.
3. Lagerkvist BJ, Ekesrydh S, Englyst V, Nordberg GF, Soderberg HA,
Wiklund DE. Increased blood lead and decreased calcium levels during
pregnancy: A prospective study of Swedish women living near a smelter. Am
J Pub Health 1996;86:1247-52.
4. Rudge CV, Rollin HB, Nogueira CM, Thomassen Y, Rudge MC, Odland
JO. The placenta as a barrier for toxic and essential elements in paired
maternal and cord blood samples of South African delivering women. J
Environ Monitor 2009;11:1322-30.
5. Centres for Disease Control. Lead. Managing elevated blood lead
levels among young children: recommendations from the Advisory Committee
on Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Committee 2002. Available at: (accessed
20 September 2012).
The authors conclude that 'there was evidence of a persisting risk
among process workers first employed since 1953' in the Clydach, South
Wales, refinery. Unfortunately, they were unable to incorporate the
confounding influence of such well-known predictors of health as attained
education, income level and smoking status. An analysis of their data,
stratified finely by smoking status, would yield use...
The authors conclude that 'there was evidence of a persisting risk
among process workers first employed since 1953' in the Clydach, South
Wales, refinery. Unfortunately, they were unable to incorporate the
confounding influence of such well-known predictors of health as attained
education, income level and smoking status. An analysis of their data,
stratified finely by smoking status, would yield useful information on the
independent effect of exposure. The confounding role of smoking behaviour
on inferences concerning nickel exposure can be demonstrated by examining
a recently published case-control study by one of the authors of lung
cancer risk in Norwegian nickel refinery workers.[1]
Table 1, abridged from a corresponding table in Grimsrud et al.
(2002)1, shows clearly that lung cancer risk increases with amount smoked,
reaching a 30-fold higher level for the Norwegian study's heaviest
Table 2 shows that total nickel exposure risk decreases with
increasing smoking level, clearly illustrating the complex interaction of
disease, exposure and smoking behaviour. The highest exposure risk appears
for the Never/Former smokers. However, for this group, the counts of cases
in Table 2 (3,23) are almost the same as the counts (4,22) of the cases in
Table 1. The significant odds ratios (ORs) for lung cancer were 3.8 for
smoking and 5.0 for exposure. Without adjusting for smoking in this group,
it is not possible to assess the separate contribution of either exposure
or smoking. However, as will be seen, most of the risk associated with
exposure comes from this small subset.
This confounding of smoking and exposure effects is not surprising
since there was a higher proportion of non-smokers among the controls in
the Never/Former smoker group (93 of 234 controls or 40%) than among the
cases (4 of 26 cases or 15%) (Table 1). The Light/Medium smoker group also
shows relatively more light smokers among its controls (106 of 253
controls or 42%) than among its cases (49 of 146 cases or 34%). The OR for
total nickel exposure in this group rises from 12.3 to 22.1 or 1.8 (Table
2). This estimate can be compared with the smoking OR for this group,
which rises from 11.7 in Light smokers to 17.7 in Medium smokers or 1.5
(Table 1). These OR values are also not significantly different. The lung
cancer risk in the Light/Medium smokers of the study could be attributed
to smoking behaviour. Finally, the odds ratio of 0.9 in the heavy smoking
group (Table 2) also provides no evidence of risk associated with nickel
The complete Norwegian case/control dataset would have been required
to duplicate exactly the odds ratios estimated using conditional logistic
regression models to analyze lung cancer risk as a function of smoking
status and total nickel exposure in Table 7 of Grimsrud et al. (2002).
However, a simple logistic analysis (Table 3) closely approximates those
ORs and their confidence intervals. This good agreement allows us to use
our logistic models to examine the relationships between smoking and
exposure in the Norwegian study.
These odds ratios by smoking status lead to a conclusion very
different from Grimsrud et al.'s. Significantly elevated lung cancer risks
are seen for the Never/Former and Light/Medium smoker groups and, for the
reasons discussed above, the attribution of this risk to smoking and/or
exposure is unknown. These findings could be due to differences in the
smoking histories of cases and controls.
A comparison of two logistic models, each containing additive terms
for total nickel exposure (2 levels) and smoking (3 levels) as explanatory
factors, but one of which also includes a linear interaction term for
exposure and smoking, shows that the interaction term is significant (p=0.016).[3] The significance of the interaction term indicates that an
analysis that omits it will yield measures of exposure risk that include
interaction effects.
Smoking and exposure are strongly related in the Norwegian study. Its
authors used a simple model in which the effects of smoking and exposure
on lung cancer risk were presumed additive. Our analysis has shown the
exposure/smoking interaction effect is significant. When one factor
(smoking) has a large effect relative to that of the factor of interest
(nickel exposure), the analysis is more informative if done separately for
each level of the influential factor.[4] The failure to include this step in
the analysis makes it impossible to assess the risk of nickel exposure.
This calculation, which could be simply done with available Norwegian
data, would inform our understanding of exposure risk in this and other
studies, including the current Clydach study.
D.K. Andrews and J.G. Heller
Authors' affiliations
D.K. Andrews, Dept. of Statistics, University of Toronto
J.G. Heller, James G. Heller Consulting Inc., Toronto, Canada, and
Dept. of Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto
Competing interests
Inco Ltd financially supported preparation of this letter by the authors. Falconbridge Ltd financially supported research2 by the authors
underlying this letter.
1 Grimsrud TK, Berge SR, Haldorsen T, et al. Exposure to different
forms of nickel and risk of lung cancer. Am J Epidemiol 2002; 156: 1123-
2 James G. Heller Consulting Inc. Report for Falconbridge Limited
on Occupational Exposure Limits for Nickel. Falconbridge Ltd., Toronto,
Canada. April 8, 2005. [unpublished]
3 The SAS code yields output for two logistic models with and
without an interaction term. The first model without the term has a chi
squared likelihood ratio of 99.1857 with 4 degrees of freedom (df). The
second with the term has a likelihood ratio of 93.4049 with 3 df.
Consequently, the addition of the interaction term accounts for a decrease
of (99.1857 - 93.4049) = 5.5808 with 1 df. The probability that a chi-
square with 1 df exceeds this value is 0.016202, rounded to 0.016 in the
text. Alternatively, SAS code yields a p-value of 0.0211 for the test of
significance of the interaction term, based on an asymptotic approximation
of normality for the distribution.
4 Cox DR, Planning of Experiments. John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey.
April 1992. ISBN: 0-471-57429-5.
Hambach et al [1] have published cross-sectional study on the
associations between cadmium (Cd) exposure and renal or oxidative stress
biomarkers in 36 solderers. They adopted multiple regression analysis to
detect statistical significance with adjustment of age and pack-years of
smoking. In contrast, there is a significant relationship between low
levels of Cd exposure and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) [2,3],
Hambach et al [1] have published cross-sectional study on the
associations between cadmium (Cd) exposure and renal or oxidative stress
biomarkers in 36 solderers. They adopted multiple regression analysis to
detect statistical significance with adjustment of age and pack-years of
smoking. In contrast, there is a significant relationship between low
levels of Cd exposure and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) [2,3],
with special emphasis on smoking status [4,5].
I have two queries on their study. First, they used pack-years of
smoking as independent variables to know the effect of occupational Cd
exposure by excluding the effect of Cd exposure by smoking. In their
tables 3 and 4, explanation rate expressed by the square values of
multiple regression coefficient (R) were under 0.3, and significant levels
were near the borderline. I have some doubt on the validity of non-
occupational Cd exposure by pack-years of smoking, especially for
populations with low levels of Cd exposure. I want to recommend Hambach et
al to add the information on the relationship between Cd exposure and
renal or oxidative stress markers without adjustment by pack-years of
smoking. In addition, regression coefficients and standard errors of age
and pack-years of smoking should also be presented to know the effect of
age and smoking on several biomarkers.
Second, Hambach et al described in their Table 3 that urinary NAG was
normally distributed and logarithmic transformation was not conducted. In
addition, some of the gradients of three renal markers except IAP showed
negative values, which is difficult to explain biologically.
I suppose that the separation of occupational and non-occupational Cd
exposure is not easy in workers with low level of Cd exposure, and direct
relationship between Cd exposure and biological markers with only
adjustment of age would be informative to make comparison of their results
with past reports.
1. Hambach R, Lison D, D'Haese P, et al. Adverse effects of low
occupational cadmium exposure on renal and oxidative stress biomarkers in
solderers. Occup Environ Med 2013;70:108-13.
2. Kawada T, Koyama H, Suzuki S. Cadmium, NAG activity, and beta 2-
microglobulin in the urine of cadmium pigment workers. Br J Ind Med
3. Noonan CW, Sarasua SM, Campagna D, et al. Effects of exposure to
low levels of environmental cadmium on renal biomarkers. Environ Health
Perspect 2002;110:151-5.
4. Akesson A, Lundh T, Vahter M, et al. Tubular and glomerular kidney
effects in Swedish women with low environmental cadmium exposure. Environ
Health Perspect 2005;113:1627-31.
5. Koyama H, Satoh H, Suzuki S, et al. Increased urinary cadmium
excretion and its relationship to urinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase
activity in smokers. Arch Toxicol 1992;66:598-601.
Mandel and colleagues' article on trichloroethylene (TCE) exposure
and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) provides an interesting review of
relevant studies although it has serious limitations (1).
First, there are three alternative descriptions of their
stratification of Group 1 studies: population source (multiple industries
vs. only aerospace), outcome (incidence vs. mortality) and location
Mandel and colleagues' article on trichloroethylene (TCE) exposure
and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) provides an interesting review of
relevant studies although it has serious limitations (1).
First, there are three alternative descriptions of their
stratification of Group 1 studies: population source (multiple industries
vs. only aerospace), outcome (incidence vs. mortality) and location
(European vs. US). It would have been helpful to specify a priori the
interpretive advantages and disadvantages of each rather than focusing on
population source.
Second, in their cohort analyses, they combine incidence and
mortality data. Implicit are several unjustified assumptions including:
(1) TCE exposure confers quantitatively similar risks for incidence and
mortality; (2) temporal changes in risk occur equally in incidence and
mortality; (3) because mortality lags incidence, TCE exposure must have
been relatively constant in each study longitudinally, (even though
technological improvements likely decreased exposure); and, (4) although
they state, “The increases for NHL in the general population over the
past several decades have been for both morbidity and mortality, (p.20)�
SEER data show incidence increased more than mortality (Figure 1),
especially in white males (Figure 2), resulting in a nearly two-thirds
increase in percent surviving at least 5 years from 1960 to 1995 (from 31%
to 51% in white males)(2).
Third, although the authors conclude that, "there is
insufficient evidence to suggest a causal link between TCE and NHL"� (abstract) all 8 Group I studies showed elevated risks, with 2
statistically significant, and all 4 summary risk estimates were elevated
with 3 statistically significant. Group I comparisons of highest and
lowest, cumulative, and duration of, exposures show similar patterns.
Group II data are less compelling, although the case control data show
some support.
In summary, contrary to Mandel et al.'s conclusions, the results,
which extend our work (3,4) provide increasing support for a causal
relationship between TCE and NHL.
Daniel Wartenberg, PhD, Professor
Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
170 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Tel: 732-445-0197
Fax: 732-445-0784
Competing interests: Dr. Wartenberg has provided testimony on behalf
of plaintiffs in TCE litigation.
1. Mandel JH, Kelsh M, Mink PJ, Alexander DD , Kalmes R, eingart M et
al. Occupational trichloroethylene exposure and non Hodgkin's lymphoma: A
review and meta-analysis. Occup Environ Med 2006;doi:10.1136:1-35.
2. Ries, L. A. G., Harkins, D., Krapcho, M., Mariotto, A., Miller, B.
A., Feuer, E. J., Clegg, L., Eisner, M. P., Horner, M. J., Howlader, N.,
Hayat, M., Hankey, B. F., and Edwards, B. K. SEER Cancer Statistics
Review, 1975-2003. 2006. Bethesda, MD, National Cancer Institute
3. Wartenberg D, Reyner D, Scott CS. Trichloroethylene and cancer:
The epidemiologic evidence. Environ Health Perspect 2000;108 (suppl 2):161-76.
4. Wartenberg D, Scott CS. Carcinogenicity of trichloroethylene
(Letter). Environ Health Perspect 2002;110:A13-A14.
Figure 1: SEER annual incidence and mortality data
Figure 2: SEER annual incidence and mortality Data for white males only
To the Editor:
Laney, et al. [1] provide important and compelling insight to potential causes of the unexpected occurrence of progressive massive fibrosis among underground coal miners in some areas of the U.S. Based on the occurrence of “r” opacities in these films, exposure to quartz is the likely cause. This conclusion is supported by an exposure assessment that shows elevated exposure to quartz dust in area...
Dear Editor,
In their study from Massachusetts, USA, on characteristics of work related asthma, Breton CV et al. found that individuals with work related current asthma were 4.8 times as likely to visit the emergency room at least once, and 2.5 times as likely to visit the doctor at least once for worsening asthma compared to individuals with non-work related asthma (1). Work related status of asthma was determi...
The comment by the authors about the computer code IREP used by NIOSH, namely: “IREP includes a DDREF, which lowers the probability of causation [PC] for low-dose-rate exposures,” has the potential to be misinterpreted. IREP contains two discrete DDREF distributions, one for most solid cancers and another, more restricted, distribution for thyroid and female breast cancers. The first mentioned, with values of DDREF rang...
Dear Editor,
The paper by Laakkonen et al., (1) reported a lower than expected rate of lung cancer in textile workers for men and women. The data in this study, as has been previously reported (2), suggest that a dose- response relationship exists for increasing cotton textile dust and lowered lung cancer rates. I would like to make several comments regarding this excellent report on dust exposure and respirator...
A meta-analysis that was recently published in this journal[1] suggested an association between excess pancreatic cancer risk and exposure to nickel and nickel compounds (meta-risk ratio = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.2 - 3.2, based on 4 studies). Through correspondence with the authors (Ojaj rvi et al.), I learned that their analysis excluded the many epidemiological studies that had been conducted on workers in the...
The Editor Occupational and Environmental Medicine
14th September, 2012
Cadmium, arsenic and lung cancer: A complete picture?
Were the occupational lung cancers among former employees at the cadmium recovery plant located near Denver, CO, USA due to cadmium exposures, arsenic exposures or both? One of us recently suggested that a "simultaneous analysis of lung cancer risks in relation to both...
We read the article by Njoku and Orisakwe comparing blood lead levels (BLL) in rural and urban pregnant women in Eastern Nigeria with great interest [1]. The authors found that BLL were substantially higher in rural areas than urban areas (135+/-160 vs 77+/-100 ug/dl). This in itself is an important finding: it may reflect a stronger reliance on locally grown foodstuffs in rural areas, combined with the effect of lead expo...
Dear Editor,
The authors conclude that 'there was evidence of a persisting risk among process workers first employed since 1953' in the Clydach, South Wales, refinery. Unfortunately, they were unable to incorporate the confounding influence of such well-known predictors of health as attained education, income level and smoking status. An analysis of their data, stratified finely by smoking status, would yield use...
Hambach et al [1] have published cross-sectional study on the associations between cadmium (Cd) exposure and renal or oxidative stress biomarkers in 36 solderers. They adopted multiple regression analysis to detect statistical significance with adjustment of age and pack-years of smoking. In contrast, there is a significant relationship between low levels of Cd exposure and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) [2,3], w...
Dear Editor,
Mandel and colleagues' article on trichloroethylene (TCE) exposure and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) provides an interesting review of relevant studies although it has serious limitations (1).
First, there are three alternative descriptions of their stratification of Group 1 studies: population source (multiple industries vs. only aerospace), outcome (incidence vs. mortality) and location (...