With interest we read the article by Gustavsson and colleagues [1] on the breast cancer risk in a cohort with night work. The authors started from two facts: First, “night shift work” [2] was classified as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2A) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer [IARC]; second, the evidence in humans was considered limited because of variable results and potential bias. Since prior studies had problems regarding exposure assessment, Gustavsson et al. emphasized their very detailed registry-based data on night work. Yet, as key result the authors noted that “conclusions are limited due to a short period of follow-up and lack of information of night work before 2008”. Thus, this study perpetuates limited epidemiological evidence for the carcinogenicity of night work. Although the limited data on shift work is a drawback of this study, it is not the only limitation. We would like to discuss a conceptual problem that may have contributed to the limited conclusions and that the authors did not address.
The IARC monograph mentions chronotype and sleep 73 and 199 times, respectively [2]. Chronotype tells us when persons prefer sleep or work and activity. Potentially harmful circadian disruption (CD) [3] can occur at any time over 24 hours when activities or sleep are misaligned with the chronotype-associated biological nights [3 4] or biological days. This leads to occupational and non-occupational CD [5]. Possible effects of not c...
With interest we read the article by Gustavsson and colleagues [1] on the breast cancer risk in a cohort with night work. The authors started from two facts: First, “night shift work” [2] was classified as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2A) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer [IARC]; second, the evidence in humans was considered limited because of variable results and potential bias. Since prior studies had problems regarding exposure assessment, Gustavsson et al. emphasized their very detailed registry-based data on night work. Yet, as key result the authors noted that “conclusions are limited due to a short period of follow-up and lack of information of night work before 2008”. Thus, this study perpetuates limited epidemiological evidence for the carcinogenicity of night work. Although the limited data on shift work is a drawback of this study, it is not the only limitation. We would like to discuss a conceptual problem that may have contributed to the limited conclusions and that the authors did not address.
The IARC monograph mentions chronotype and sleep 73 and 199 times, respectively [2]. Chronotype tells us when persons prefer sleep or work and activity. Potentially harmful circadian disruption (CD) [3] can occur at any time over 24 hours when activities or sleep are misaligned with the chronotype-associated biological nights [3 4] or biological days. This leads to occupational and non-occupational CD [5]. Possible effects of not considering all contributions from such ubiquitous exposures have been exemplified: 1950 landmark data “scenarios” with workplace- and non-workplace smoking evinced that neither the magnitude nor the direction (!) of estimated cancer risks would have been correct if exposures off work had been ignored [6].
Thus, why not use a comprehensive dose concept to capture CD, as we regularly do in occupational epidemiology? We can assess cumulative CD as time-dependent long-term dose [7 8] by determining how much of each study participants’ biological night does not overlap with individual sleep time, and this would capture exposures to CD both at and off work. Scandinavian countries with their excellent databases may provide the data for time-related analytical procedures [9 10] needed for this integrated dose epidemiology.
Overall, such circadian epidemiology may help to avoid conclusions such as “Most exposure metrics showed no association with breast cancer risk” [1]. Combining the methodological rigor of occupational epidemiology with insights from chronobiology may shed light on plausible relationships between ubiquitous sources of CD and disease, including cancer.
1 Gustavsson P, Bigert C, Andersson T, et al. Night work and breast cancer risk in a cohort of female healthcare employees in Stockholm, Sweden. Occup Environ Med 2023;80(7):372-76. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2022-108673
2 IARC. Carcinogenicity of night shift work. Lancet Oncol 2019;20(8):1058-59. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(19)30455-3
3 IARC. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Volume 98. Painting, Firefighting and Shiftwork. Lyon, France., 2010.
4 Erren TC, Gross JV, Fritschi L. Focusing on the biological night: towards an epidemiological measure of circadian disruption. Occup Environ Med 2017;74(3):159-60. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2016-104056
5 Erren TC, Lewis P. Hypothesis: ubiquitous circadian disruption can cause cancer. Eur J Epidemiol 2019;34(1):1-4. doi: 10.1007/s10654-018-0469-6
6 Erren TC, Lewis P, Morfeld P. The riddle of shiftwork and disturbed chronobiology: a case study of landmark smoking data demonstrates fallacies of not considering the ubiquity of an exposure. J Occup Med Toxicol 2020;15:10. doi: 10.1186/s12995-020-00263-2
7 Erren TC, Morfeld P. Shift work and cancer research: a thought experiment into a potential chronobiological fallacy of past and perspectives for future epidemiological studies. Neuro Endocrinol Lett 2013;34(4):282-6.
8 Morfeld P, Erren, T.C. Shift Work, Chronotype, and Cancer Risk-Letter. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2019
9 Rothman KJ, Greenland, S., Lash, T.L. Modern epidemiology 3rd ed.: Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2008.
10 Robins J. The control of confounding by intermediate variables. Statistics in medicine 1989;8(6):679-701. doi: 10.1002/sim.4780080608
The paper by Go et al (Occup Environ Med 2023;80425-30) is an important reminder of the problem of quartz in coal mine dusts and of its association with early development of pneumoconiosis, often associated with unusual radiological patterns. The UK work which they kindly cite brought to light a problem for regulation of the quartz in coal mine dust – that in many cases quartz concentrations greater than 0.1mg/m3 in mine environments seemed not to be associated with development of silicosis. Experimentally, the toxicity of quartz is reduced when it is associated, as is usual in coal mines, with a high concentration of other silicates, which occlude the crystal surface. This led to the pragmatic solution of ignoring quartz if it constituted less than 10% of the total mine dust concentration (which then was regulated as less than 5mg/m3).
These difficulties in setting and monitoring compliance with a quartz standard in coal mines are obsolete in UK as long as mines remain closed. However, while mining continues elsewhere it is important to recognise that miners know when they are cutting rock and so do their employers. When this is happening it should be recognised that they are at risk of silicosis and, as the authors show, the implications are far more serious for their health than those from coal alone; any early radiological evidence is usually too late for the miners and extra action to increase their safety needs to be required of the employer in these circumstan...
The paper by Go et al (Occup Environ Med 2023;80425-30) is an important reminder of the problem of quartz in coal mine dusts and of its association with early development of pneumoconiosis, often associated with unusual radiological patterns. The UK work which they kindly cite brought to light a problem for regulation of the quartz in coal mine dust – that in many cases quartz concentrations greater than 0.1mg/m3 in mine environments seemed not to be associated with development of silicosis. Experimentally, the toxicity of quartz is reduced when it is associated, as is usual in coal mines, with a high concentration of other silicates, which occlude the crystal surface. This led to the pragmatic solution of ignoring quartz if it constituted less than 10% of the total mine dust concentration (which then was regulated as less than 5mg/m3).
These difficulties in setting and monitoring compliance with a quartz standard in coal mines are obsolete in UK as long as mines remain closed. However, while mining continues elsewhere it is important to recognise that miners know when they are cutting rock and so do their employers. When this is happening it should be recognised that they are at risk of silicosis and, as the authors show, the implications are far more serious for their health than those from coal alone; any early radiological evidence is usually too late for the miners and extra action to increase their safety needs to be required of the employer in these circumstances.
Anthony Seaton
This study reports an alarming prevalence of silicosis in Victoria, Australia at 28.2% among workers in the stone benchtop industry (SBI). [1] That prevalence is higher than reported in SBI workers in another Australian state of Queensland (22.7%). [4] The Victorian silicosis screening program reported respiratory function tests and chest x-rays to be of limited value in screening this high-risk population which has significant implications for health and safety policy. It also calls into question the adequacy of current screening programs in other Australian States and Territories.
In the adjoining state of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, there has been an obligation on the health and safety regulator (SafeWork NSW) to maintain a Dust Diseases Register and to provide a report on the Register at the end of each financial year since October 2020. This information is provided and published in the NSW Dust Disease Register Annual Report. However, no information is provided on the total number of workers screened (or the denominator) to enable understanding of the incidence and prevalence of silicosis in NSW.
A desk-based “case finding” study from May 2021 in NSW estimated the average incidence (new cases) of silicosis among engineered stone workers in NSW at between 4% and 9% for the three-year reporting period, and suggested that incidence values may also be considered as the estimated prevalence within SBI workers. [3] This prevalence estimate is significant...
This study reports an alarming prevalence of silicosis in Victoria, Australia at 28.2% among workers in the stone benchtop industry (SBI). [1] That prevalence is higher than reported in SBI workers in another Australian state of Queensland (22.7%). [4] The Victorian silicosis screening program reported respiratory function tests and chest x-rays to be of limited value in screening this high-risk population which has significant implications for health and safety policy. It also calls into question the adequacy of current screening programs in other Australian States and Territories.
In the adjoining state of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, there has been an obligation on the health and safety regulator (SafeWork NSW) to maintain a Dust Diseases Register and to provide a report on the Register at the end of each financial year since October 2020. This information is provided and published in the NSW Dust Disease Register Annual Report. However, no information is provided on the total number of workers screened (or the denominator) to enable understanding of the incidence and prevalence of silicosis in NSW.
A desk-based “case finding” study from May 2021 in NSW estimated the average incidence (new cases) of silicosis among engineered stone workers in NSW at between 4% and 9% for the three-year reporting period, and suggested that incidence values may also be considered as the estimated prevalence within SBI workers. [3] This prevalence estimate is significantly lower than that reported in the neighbouring states.
In late 2022, a member of the NSW Parliament requested documents relating to information held by Insurance and Care NSW (icare) for its silicosis screening program under Standing Order 52 (SO52). [5] This resulted in information becoming publicly available, including the documents created since 1 January 2020 relating to the NSW silicosis screening program. [6] Contained in these documents was data on the number of people screened from specific industries (including engineered stone), the number of cases reported, and information on screening methods used. That information was reviewed with regard to silicosis prevalence in the NSW SBI and compared the figures with the findings of that reported in the neighbouring states of Victoria and Queensland.
The SO52 information confirmed a prevalence of silica related diseases (SRD) of only 7% in NSW SBI workers. This prevalence represents approximately 25% of that reported by adjoining states for the same period. [1] This low reported prevalence in NSW is more likely to reflect differences in respiratory surveillance methods between NSW and neighbouring states rather than a difference in SRD statistics and health protection. For example, CT scans were offered to workers as part of the NSW icare health screening program, but were only used for 18.8% of NSW workers. [6] CT scans are more sensitive in comparison to chest x rays in detecting early disease, and reliance of x-ray may have influenced the NSW results. It should also be noted that in NSW, although it is mandatory for workers in the SBI to be screened, it is not mandatory for employers to use icare services, and private contractors can be employed. This can result in a statistical bias because there is no mandatory reporting for results to the NSW silicosis registry in the absence of diagnosed disease. This is despite recommendations having been made by the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) in 2020; [7] and as part of the review into the Dust Diseases Scheme in 2019 to include this data, along with the standardisation of health assessment method. [8]
The findings of the Victorian screening program confirmed that relying on symptoms, spirometry screening or chest X-ray will miss many cases of silicosis and silica-related disorders, and that the prevalence of silicosis and SRDIs in the SBI in Australia is shockingly high. [1] If the prevalence in NSW is truly closer to that reported in Queensland and Victoria (between 22 and 28%), then more than 400 cases of SRDIs are expected based on the numbers of workers screened by icare. This would represent a shortfall of over 200 undiagnosed workers in NSW that may not be receiving essential care and support. It seems likely that cases in NSW are being underestimated.
Existing systems for the discovery and reporting of SRDI cases need urgent updating. More comprehensive and accurate data is urgently needed on the prevalence of SRDI’s in NSW to better inform health policy and prevention efforts; and to reduce the burden of preventable disease on these workers and their families.
1. Hoy, R.F., et al., Prevalence and risk factors for silicosis among a large cohort of stone benchtop industry workers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2023: p. oemed-2023-108892.
2. SafeWork NSW, NSW Dust Disease Register Annual Report 2020-21. 2021.
3. Golder Associates Pty Ltd, Case Finding Study - Respirable crystalline silica exposure in the NSW manufactured stone industry. 2021.
4. WorkSafe Queensland. Silicosis - Workcover Screening Outcomes. . 2022 [cited 2023 23 June]; Available from: https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/claims-and-insurance/work-related-injuri....
5. Parliament of New South Wales, Legislative Council Minutes No. 149. 2022. Available from: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/tp/files/83469/Resolution - SafeWork NSW and Insurance and Care NSW (icare) - 16 November 2022.pdf
6. Department of Premier and Cabinet, Order for Papers - Supplementary Return - SafeWork NSW and Insurance and Care NSW (icare). 2023.Available from: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/tp/files/83926/SO52%20Index%20-%20Supp...(icare)%20-%2012.01.2023.pdf
7. Perret, J.L., et al., Respiratory surveillance for coal mine dust and artificial stone exposed workers in Australia and New Zealand: A position statement from the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand*. Respirology, 2020. 25(11): p. 1193-1202.
8. Justice, S.C.o.L.a., 2019 Review of the Dust Diseases Scheme Silicosis in the manufactured stone industry. 2020. Available from: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/lcdocs/inquiries/2538/Report%2073%20%E...
Dr. Burstyn, in his commentary (1), underscores the critical
importance of using the best exposure assessment methods possible to
minimize misclassification. We agree about the value of expert formulated
models for systematically and transparently documenting exposure
assessment1, but caution that many existing studies may not be readily
adapted to such model building. For such studies, the best alternative
exposure ass...
Dr. Burstyn, in his commentary (1), underscores the critical
importance of using the best exposure assessment methods possible to
minimize misclassification. We agree about the value of expert formulated
models for systematically and transparently documenting exposure
assessment1, but caution that many existing studies may not be readily
adapted to such model building. For such studies, the best alternative
exposure assessment methodology should be employed, such as job-exposure
matrices (JEMs) or expert assessments of self-reported work histories.
Even though the relationships between the true exposure and estimates by
expert assessment and a JEM are unknown (which is the case for most
exposure assessments) we believe that understanding the differences
between the two methods is informative, especially given the considerable
time and resources necessary to carry out an expert assessment.
As Dr. Burstyn indicates (1), neither assessment approach used in our
study (2) allows us to claim that lead definitely causes brain tumors.
However, if this is the standard for judging the success of an exposure
assessment method, most methods are failures. Although only suggestive, we
do see some evidence of an association and indicate that future studies
would benefit from the most accurate exposure assessment method available.
The intent of our analysis was to compare two widely used approaches and
to encourage epidemiologists to pursue the best exposure assessment
methods possible. We acknowledge limitations with the expert assessment
approach and strongly support the development and use of new exposure
assessment methods. However, expert assessment may be the best approach
available to an existing study and could reveal important associations
that future studies can explore in greater detail using more refined
exposure assessment techniques.
1. Burstyn I. The ghost of methods past: exposure assessment versus
job-exposure matrix studies. Occup Environ Med 2010.
2. Bhatti P, Stewart PA, Linet MS, Blair A, Inskip PD, Rajaraman P.
Comparison of occupational exposure assessment methods in a case-control
study of lead, genetic susceptibility and risk of adult brain tumours.
Occup Environ Med 2010.
Dose-dependent diagnostic efficiency and self-reporting related to a longer work history and hence to cumulative dose could explain the above-average risk of cataracts in radiologic technologists [1]. Of concern was the discrepancy between the findings for cataract history and cataract surgery, where risks for the latter were somewhat lower and generally not significant [1]. A similar pattern of significant excess relative risk (ERR) for cataract and non-significant ERR for cataract surgery has also been reported in the Mayak nuclear workers. [2,3]. This agrees with the concept of dose-dependent diagnostic efficiency with detection of mild cases not requiring surgery. Among the various groups that have been studied for radiation-associated cataract, a significant ERR for cataract surgery has been reported only in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors [4-6], where the effect of the acute exposure could indeed have taken place. More details [7].
1. Little MP, Cahoon EK, Kitahara CM, Simon SL, Hamada N, Linet MS. Occupational radiation exposure and excess additive risk of cataract incidence in a cohort of US radiologic technologists. Occup Environ Med. 2020 Jan;77(1):1-8. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2019-105902.
2. Azizova TV , Hamada N , Grigoryeva ES , et al. . Risk of various types of cataracts in a cohort of Mayak workers following chronic occupational exposure to ionizing radiation. Eur J Epidemiol2018;33:1193–204.doi:10.1007/s10654-018-0450-4
3. Azizova TV , Hamad...
Dose-dependent diagnostic efficiency and self-reporting related to a longer work history and hence to cumulative dose could explain the above-average risk of cataracts in radiologic technologists [1]. Of concern was the discrepancy between the findings for cataract history and cataract surgery, where risks for the latter were somewhat lower and generally not significant [1]. A similar pattern of significant excess relative risk (ERR) for cataract and non-significant ERR for cataract surgery has also been reported in the Mayak nuclear workers. [2,3]. This agrees with the concept of dose-dependent diagnostic efficiency with detection of mild cases not requiring surgery. Among the various groups that have been studied for radiation-associated cataract, a significant ERR for cataract surgery has been reported only in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors [4-6], where the effect of the acute exposure could indeed have taken place. More details [7].
1. Little MP, Cahoon EK, Kitahara CM, Simon SL, Hamada N, Linet MS. Occupational radiation exposure and excess additive risk of cataract incidence in a cohort of US radiologic technologists. Occup Environ Med. 2020 Jan;77(1):1-8. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2019-105902.
2. Azizova TV , Hamada N , Grigoryeva ES , et al. . Risk of various types of cataracts in a cohort of Mayak workers following chronic occupational exposure to ionizing radiation. Eur J Epidemiol2018;33:1193–204.doi:10.1007/s10654-018-0450-4
3. Azizova TV , Hamada N , Bragin EV , et al . Risk of cataract removal surgery in Mayak PA workers occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation over prolonged periods. Radiat Environ Biophys2019;58:139–49.doi:10.1007/s00411-019-00787-0
4. Neriishi K , Nakashima E , Akahoshi M , et al . Radiation dose and cataract surgery incidence in atomic bomb survivors, 1986–2005. Radiology2012;265:167–74.doi:10.1148/radiol.12111947 CrossRefPubMedWeb of ScienceGoogle Scholar
5. Little MP. A review of non-cancer effects, especially circulatory and ocular diseases. Radiat Environ Biophys 2013;52:435–49. doi:10.1007/s00411-013-0484-7
6. Shore RE . Radiation and cataract risk: impact of recent epidemiologic studies on ICRP judgments. Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research 2016;770:231–7.doi:10.1016/j.mrrev.2016.06.006
7. Jargin SV. Chapter 3. Overestimation of Medical Consequences of Radioactive Contaminations in the Former Soviet Union. Advances in Environmental Research. Vol. 83. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52305/BPZX5742
The article titled mental ill health and fitness for work [1] by Glozier has focused on work related mental ill health issues and has discussed various topics like screening, safety and legal issues. However as the work environments differ considering bio-psycho-social factors and different levels of exposure, which are known to increase the
vulnerability for the psychiatric disorder in the workers [2] it w...
The article titled mental ill health and fitness for work [1] by Glozier has focused on work related mental ill health issues and has discussed various topics like screening, safety and legal issues. However as the work environments differ considering bio-psycho-social factors and different levels of exposure, which are known to increase the
vulnerability for the psychiatric disorder in the workers [2] it would be
better to specify the work environments while considering the prevalence
of mental ill health.
The informations in the article are mostly from the developed
countries. It may be relevant here to give similar perspective from
developing countries like India. It would also be interesting to note
similar morbidity in specific population of industrial employees, as they
are known to be more vulnerable for mental ill health.[2]
The available information of prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in
industrial workers show that it is considerably higher than that in
general population.[3] The reported prevalence of psychiatric morbidity
in working population in Western countries 20-35% as reported in the
article[1] is comparable with that from Indian industrial sites (14 -
37%).[4] However, comparison would be meaningful if the working
environments are similar.
The types of the mental illness reported to be common in the Western
countries are similar to what is observed in various industrial set-ups in
India.[4] They are basically anxiety disorders, adjustment disorders,
mood disorders especially depression, somatoform disorders, alcohol and
tobacco harmful use and dependence. As reported[1] comorbidies are also
commonly noted in the Indian studies. The most common comorbidities are
with substance use disorders.
There has been an important observation that screening for common
mental disorders is probably pointless because of rapid change in illness
status, numbers of persons having problem may overwhelm the occupational
health service and the predictive value is low.[1] In addition different
assessing instruments will give different figures. It was observed in an
epidemiological survey that even if around 36.2% of employees had
psychiatric problem only 9.7% of them came for the psychiatric services
(Kar et al, unpublished data). It suggests that various factors
influence psychiatric service utilization, like unawareness and stigma to
name a few. Though the clinic population reflect realistically the
magnitude of the felt need of the workers for the mental health services,
periodic screening with standardized and reliable instruments may suggest
the mental health need of the population, based on which optimum care
programmes can be planned.
(1) Glozier N. Mental ill health and fitness for work. Occup Environ
Med 2002;59:714-720.
(2) WHO. Epidemiology of Occupational Health, Assessment of
Occupational Health. 1986 Geneva: WHO.
(3) Kar N, Dutta S, Shaktibala P, Jagadisha, Nair S. Mental health in an Indian Industrial Population: screening for psychiatric symptoms. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2002;6(2):
(4) Kar N, Dutta S, Patnaik S, Mishra BN, Singh P. A
comparative study of psychiatric morbidity among managers and workers of a
fertilizer factory. Industrial Psychiatry Journal 2001;10(2):7-18.
The article by Harrison and colleagues’[1] reports on a relationship
between personal and static microenvironment air sampling for carbon
monoxide and nitrogen dioxide and for PM10 which include the addition "of
a personal cloud increment." Static sampling is also commonly referred to
as area or stationary sampling.[2,3] These relationships are important
because static sampling is more easily achieved th...
The article by Harrison and colleagues’[1] reports on a relationship
between personal and static microenvironment air sampling for carbon
monoxide and nitrogen dioxide and for PM10 which include the addition "of
a personal cloud increment." Static sampling is also commonly referred to
as area or stationary sampling.[2,3] These relationships are important
because static sampling is more easily achieved than personal measurements
and is generally less costly. To achieve a relationship for personal and
static sampling they must be collected from the same pollutant population.[4-7] Thus, in establishing a microenvironment or personal cloud
increment, there must be a relationship within the sampling location for
the pollutant.
Previous occupational studies have noted no relationship[2,4,8-11]
and a relationship[12,13] between personal and static sample
measurements. As mentioned by Harrison et al., personal samples are
generally higher in concentration than static samples because of people
being closer to the source and spending more time within the source
location, or in the emission pathway.[4,14] When static samplers are
placed at the source location or emission pathway they are similar to the
values reported for personal samples,[2,3] and in some incidents may
exhibit a higher concentration.[4,13,15]
The relationship reported by Harrison et al., for CO and NO2 is
likely a result of these pollutants being a gas, their ability to diffuse,
low reactivity, and similarly in concentration between indoor and outdoor
environments. A personal cloud factor must be incorporated into the PM10
measurement because of greater variability of concentration from location
to location.[16] A microenvironment represents a similar location and
the personal cloud is a correction factor extrapolating for the static
exposure to personal measurements. It must be noted that this adds a
degree of uncertainty in extrapolating exposure from one sampling method
to the other. Even though static samples may be reported as similar, they
will ultimately exhibit a lower concentration than personal measurements.
Harrison et al, provided summation of their data in the form of
arithmetic mean (AM) and standard deviation. When data from Tables 2 and
3 were evaluated for form of distribution, using the Shapiro-Wilk test,[17] most exhibited a non-normal distribution (Table). However, due to
the small number of samples in Harrison’s data the actual form of
distribution cannot be determined. It is suggest[2,18] that the
logarithmic form best represents airborne pollutants, including Harrison’s
data. When providing pollutant data, it has been suggested to include
summary statistics that representative it’s form of distribution.[2]
Data should be shown as AM, standard deviation, range, geometric mean, and
geometric standard deviation (GSD).[2,12] It has been suggested[19,20]
that health effects from exposure are more closely related to AM values,
especially for those that are chronic in nature, making AM an important
summary value to report. Reporting all summary statistics will allow
future investigators to select summary data most relevant to their
Tables: Form of
distribution for data reported in Harrison et al., Tables 2 and 3
Table 2
Carbon monoxide
normal at 5% or 1%
normal at 5% or 1%
normal at 5% or 1%
normal at 5% or 1%
Table 3
Carbon monoxide
normal at 5 or 1%
normal at 5%, normal at 1%
normal at 5% or 1%
normal at 5% or 1%
+ transformation was performed using natural logs
Since many environmental pollutants are distributed throughout a
location, like homes, modeling will prove useful in establishing a
relationship between personal and static samples. However, this
relationship may not only depend on sampling locations and emission
pathways, but the actual pollutant as well.[6]
Variability among samples must also be considered when predicting
exposure levels. Most sample populations exhibit a GSD (day-to-day
variability) of 2.0 to 3.0.[2] The probability of samples with this
variability being “related” is about 28% to 17%.[21] The GSD for the
data reported by Harrison et al, ranged from 1.4 to 2.6. Thus, sample
variability raises issues with the predictability of accuracy in exposure
estimation.[21] This variability may also skew modelling as well
resulting in fallacious interpretations; although as mentioned in Harrison
et al, when the population sample becomes larger or uses pooled data
these influences may become diminished.
Historically, most inferred that there is no relationship between
personal and static exposures,[2-4,6,9-11] while studies such as that
provided by Harrison et al, question this concept. Establishment of a
relationship between these two sampling methods will allow incorporation
of additional data into occupational, environmental and epidemiological
studies,[16] although caution must be applied in interpreting any
relationship based on previous findings.[2,4] Thus, care must be
exercised when evaluating studies that solely use static sampling as the
method of estimating personal exposure.[7]
(1) Harrison RM, Thornton CA, Lawrence RG, Mark D, Kinneisley RP,
Ayres JG. Personal exposure monitoring of particulate matter, nitrogen
dioxide, and carbon monoxide, including susceptible groups. Occp Environ
Med 2002; 59:671-9.
(2) Lange JH. A statistical evaluation of asbestos air
concentrations. Indoor-Built Environ 1999; 8:293-303.
(3) Corn M. Assessment and control of environmental exposure. J
Allergy Clin Immunol 1983; 72:231-241.
(4) Lange JH, Kuhn BD, Thomulka KW, Sites SLM. A study of matched
area and personal airborne asbestos samples: evaluation for relationship
and distribution. Indoor and Built Environ 2000; 9:192-200.
(5) Esmen NA, Hall TA. Theoretical investigation of the
interrelationship between stationary and personal sampling in exposure
estimation. Appl Occup Environ Hyg 2000; 15:114-119
(6) Liu LJS, Koutrakis P, Suh HH, Mulik JD, Burton RM. Use of personal
measurements for ozone exposure assessment: a pilot-study. Environ Health
Perspectives 1993; 101:318-324.
(7) Edwards RD, Jurvelin J, Koistinen K, Saarela K, Jantunen M. VOC
source identification from personal and residential indoor, outdoor and
workplace microenvironmental samples in EXPOLIS-Helsinki, Findland.
Atmospheric Environ 2001; 35:4829-4841.
(8) Lange JH, Thomulka KW. Air sampling during asbestos abatement of
floor tile and mastic. Bull Environ Cont Tox 2000; 64:497-501
(9) Linch AL, Weist EG, Carter MD Evaluation of tetraethyl lead
exposure by personal monitoring surveys. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 1970; 31:170-
(10) Stevens DC. The particle size and mean concentration of
radioactive aerosols measured by personal and static air samples. Ann
Occup Hyg 1969; 12:33-40.
(11) Linch AL, Pfaff HV. Carbon monoxide: evaluation of exposure
potential by personal monitor surveys. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 1971; 32:745-
(12) Breslin AJ, Ong L, Glauberman H, George AC, LeClare P. The
accuracy of dust exposure estimates obtained from conventional air
sampling. Am J Ind Hyg Assoc J 1967; 28:56-61.
(13) Lange JH, Lange PR, Reinhard TK, Thomulka KW. A study of
personal and area airborne asbestos concentrations during asbestos
abatement: a statistical evaluation of fibre concentration data. Ann Occup
Hyg 1996; 40:449-466
(14) Leung P-L, Harrison RM. Evaluation of personal exposure to
monoaromatic hydrocarbons. Occup Environ Med 1998; 55:249-257.
(15) Lange JH, Thomulka KW. Airborne exposure concentration during
asbestos abatement of ceiling and wall plaster. Bull Environ Cont Tox
2002; 69:712-718.
(16) Cherrie JW. How important is personal exposure assessment in
the epidemiology of air pollutants? Occup Environ Med 2002; 59:653-654.
(17) Shapiro SS, Wilk MB. An analysis of variance test for
normality. Biometrika 1965;52:591-611.
(18) Esmen NA, Hammad Y. Log-normality of environmental sampling
data. J Environ Sci Hlth 1977; A12:29-41.
(19) Seixas NS, Robins TG, Moulton LH. Use of geometric and
arithmetic mean exposures in occupational epidemiology. Am J Ind Med 1998;
(20) Armstrong BG. Confidence intervals for arithmetic means of
lognormality distribution exposures. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 1992; 53:481-485.
(21) Leidel NA, Busch KA, Lynch JR Occupational exposure sampling strategy manual. DEHW (NIOSH) Publication Number 77-173, National
Technical Information Service Number PB-274-792. Cincinnati, Ohio: National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, 1977.
The paper by Harrison et al.[1] and the accompanying editorial by
Cherrie [2] address the important issue of personal exposure assessment (of
air pollutants) in environmental epidemiology. After reading both papers
we would like to make some comments with regard to the design, conduct and
statistical analysis of the study by Harrison et al. and at the same time
answer the question raised by...
The paper by Harrison et al.[1] and the accompanying editorial by
Cherrie [2] address the important issue of personal exposure assessment (of
air pollutants) in environmental epidemiology. After reading both papers
we would like to make some comments with regard to the design, conduct and
statistical analysis of the study by Harrison et al. and at the same time
answer the question raised by Cherrie in his editorial.
Coming from the occupational exposure assessment arena it is
interesting to see that our environmental colleagues are still relying on
to a large extent on static (micro-environmental) sampling and even rely
on shadowing to represent personal exposure. The latter brought back
memories of old occupational hygiene textbooks with pictures of
technicians standing with a sampling probe in the breathing zone of a
worker (clearly hindered while carrying out his work task). It is
interesting to note that Dr Cherrie´s very relevant earlier work [3] on
whether wearing sampling pumps affects exposure (it hardly did) was not
mentioned in both papers.
The paper by Harrison et al.[1] clearly states as one of its goals to
answer the question "Does modelling through the use of microenvironment
measurements and activity diaries produce reliable estimates of personal
exposure to air pollutants". However in the only setting where personal
exposures were actually measured (Phase 1, volunteers; with regard to
Phase 2 we do not think that shadowing results can be seen as equivalent
to personal measured exposure) it is hard to grasp from both Figure 1 and
Table 2 which exposure was actually modelled (1-hour averages, 2-3 day
averages) and how (a formula was only provided for measurements within the
susceptible groups).
When comparing direct personal measurements for CO and PM10 with the
modelled results, the authors exclude all data which are not directly
comparable, i.e. when the volunteer spent most of their time out of house,
and all the data for smokers. It is therefore not surprising that good
correlations were found between personal and static measurement results.
Why were smokers excluded? Was their measured CO exposure representing a
different kind of CO leading to a different health effect? We know that
excluding smokers or people with unventilated gas heaters is common
practice in the statistical analyses of environmental exposures, but this
would only make sense if we were expecting different risks from the same
exposure originating from different sources.
In Figure 1 the authors present 120 comparable data points for 11
individuals and given the repeated nature of the sampling these data
points cannot be seen as statistically independent. Putting a simple
regression line through these points is therefore not correct and
application of a mixed model would have been more appropriate. Besides
that, when estimating environmental exposure for instance for a panel
study, we are interested in the full range of exposures both in the
temporal and spatial sense (not only for the room with the static
sampler). However, Harrison et al. conclude, "...modelled personal exposure
is unable to reflect the variability of measured personal exposures
occasioned by the spread of concentrations within given
Both Cherrie and Harrison et al. claim that micro-environmental
sampling would be a good alternative for direct personal exposure
measurements that supposedly are "costly and time consuming". However, the
costs for sampling micro environments in a general population study will
be far greater if we want to measure all the micro environments people end
up in (for instance in Table 1 seven environments are indicated and most
of them will most likely be different for each study participant). In
addition, it will be practically impossible to measure some of these
environments as the authors point out. In their study, it was not possible
to collect data for all appropriate microenvironments even for a
comparatively small number of subjects.
Recently, a very insightful paper was presented at the X2001
conference in Gothenburg. Seixas et al.[4] showed that in a study to assess
noise exposure, a task-based methodology (analogous to micro-environmental
sampling in occupational exposure assessment) could only account for 30%
of variability in daily exposures. They even considered this estimate
somewhat optimistic since their estimated noise exposures were derived
from the same data on which the daily average exposures were estimated. In
addition they clearly pointed out that using simple task-based averages
that artificially compress exposure variability resulted in a very
substantial negative bias in the estimated daily exposure.
In our opinion, we should aim to collect personal exposure
measurements when estimating exposure for epidemiological studies. We
agree that smaller and lighter sampling instruments will need to be
developed, as was suggested by Cherrie in his editorial. Recent studies in
both the occupational and environmental arena have shown that study
subjects are capable to carry out personal measurements themselves (and by
doing so, cutting out the costs of the technician).[5-9] In all these
studies but one [7] far more than 100 personal measurements were generated,
which shows that studies of this size are not exceptional as was suggested
in the editorial by Cherrie.
The question that was raised by Cherrie "How important is personal
exposure assessment in the epidemiology of air pollution?" can only be
answered with a firm "Very important", if we want to capture the full
range of personal exposures experienced in the general environment. In
addition, given the relatively low concentrations in the general
environment we will need to measure these accurately. Micro-environmental
monitoring and consequent modelling based on diaries will not provide
sufficient resolution and accuracy.
Hans Kromhout1,2 Martie van Tongeren3
1. Environmental and Occupational Health Division, Institute for Risk
Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University, PO Box 80176, 3508 TD Utrecht,
The Netherlands
2. Research Unit Respiratory and Environmental Health, Municipal
Institute of Medical Research, Barcelona, Spain
3. Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health, School of
Epidemiology and Health Sciences, The University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
(1) Harrison RM, Thornton CA, Lawrence RG, et al. Personal exposure
monitoring of particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide,
including susceptible groups. Occup Environ Med 2002;59: 671–9.
(2) Cherrie JW. How important is personal exposure assessment in the
epidemiology of air pollutants? Occup Environ Med 2002;59:653-54.
(3) Cherrie JW, Lynch G, Bord BS, Heathfield P, Cowie H, Robertson A.
Does the wearing of sampling pumps affect exposure? Ann Occup Hyg
(4) Seixas N, Sheppard L, Neitzel R. Comparison of task-based and full
-shift strategies for noise exposure assessment in the construction
industry. Arbete och Hälsa 2001; 10:51-3.
(5) Kromhout H, Loomis DP, Mihlan GJ, Peipins LA, Kleckner RC, Iriye
R, Savitz DA. Assessment and grouping of occupational magnetic field
exposure in five electric utility companies. Scand J Work Environ Health
(6) Egeghy PP, Tornero-Velez R, Rappaport SM. Environmental and
biological monitoring of benzene during self-service automobile refueling.
Environ Health Perspect 2000;108:1195-202.
(7) Tielemans E, Heederik D, Burdorf A, Vermeulen R, Veulemans H,
Kromhout H, Hartog K. Assessment of occupational exposures in a general
population: comparison of different methods. Occup Environ Med 1999;56:145
(8) Rijnders E, Janssen NAH, Vliet PHN van, B. Brunekreef. Personal
and outdoor nitrogen dioxide concentrations in relation to degree of
urbanization and traffic density. Environ Health Perspect 2001;109:411-7.
(9) Liljelind IE, Rappaport SM, Levin JO, et al. Comparison of self-
assessment and expert assessment of occupational exposure to chemicals.
Scand J Work Environ Health 2001;27:311–7.
In commenting on our paper published recently in OEM,[1] Kromhout
and van Tongeren admonish us for paying insufficient attention to the
earlier literature on occupational pollutant exposures. Whilst no doubt
an element of their criticism is justified, we feel that the exposure
situation for the general public is sufficiently different that it should
not be assumed that findings in the occupational...
In commenting on our paper published recently in OEM,[1] Kromhout
and van Tongeren admonish us for paying insufficient attention to the
earlier literature on occupational pollutant exposures. Whilst no doubt
an element of their criticism is justified, we feel that the exposure
situation for the general public is sufficiently different that it should
not be assumed that findings in the occupational environment can
necessarily be extrapolated to environmental exposures of the general
public. A large component of environmental exposure arises from diffuse
sources and may therefore be very spatially homogeneous at locations such
as peoples’ homes which are often relatively remote from outdoor pollution
There has been some controversy in the literature regarding the
extent to which measurements at fixed central urban background monitoring
locations can reflect the exposures of large urban populations who spend
much of their time indoors at locations relatively remote from the
monitoring station [e.g. 2,3]. It has been typical to find that for an
individual, daily personal exposures correlate with concentrations at the
monitoring station, whilst if data are pooled from many individuals, the
exposures appear to be uncorrelated with ambient air data.[4,5] This
finding suggests that the diffuse background as represented by the central
urban monitor does account for a substantial proportion of variance in the
exposure of an individual and this conclusion is supportive of causality
in the time series epidemiological studies, which would appear implausible
if the monitoring data were unrelated to human exposures. The finding of
our paper that microenvironment measurements do, in general, well
represent individual personal exposures in that microenvironment
(excepting for the personal cloud of PM10) is far from self-evident from
much of the earlier literature and is a useful addition to knowledge. The
fact that cigarette smokers were outliers in the regression analysis shows
not unexpectedly that they generate strong local concentration gradients
and would therefore need to be treated differently in any modelling of
personal exposures. In the absence of such local sources of pollution,
our study supports the concept that were sufficient microenvironment
measurement data available, it would be perfectly feasible to model
personal exposures with some degree of reliability.
Kromhout and van Tongeren advocate the use of personal exposure
measurements in environmental epidemiological studies. In doing so, they
fail to acknowledge the magnitude of such studies. For example, in the
large North American cohort studies, 8111 subjects were recruited in the
Harvard Six Cities Study and over one million in the American Cancer
Society Study. Were it possible to reconstruct the exposure environments
of those individuals, even in a rather general way from time activity
diaries, a considerable refinement would have been achieved. Even in
panel studies, which typically recruit a far smaller number of
individuals, the subjects are frequently drawn from susceptible groups and
therefore not willing to be encumbered with troublesome and heavy sampling
equipment. It must be remembered that concentrations in environmental
samples are typically orders of magnitude lower than in occupational
samples, therefore requiring higher flow rates (hence bigger pumps) and
longer sampling intervals. In some instances it may be possible to use
passive samplers such as diffusion tubes and badges, but these are
typically rather imprecise and are available only for a very limited range
of pollutants.
In summary, therefore, whilst the measurement of personal exposure in
environmental epidemiology is highly desirable, it is in reality very
unlikely to be practicable in most studies. Thus, our study of the
feasibility of reconstructing exposures from microenvironment data is well
justified and has thrown useful light on the problem, for example, in
illustrating the lower exposures of members of certain of our susceptible
Roy M. Harrison, Rob P. Kinnersley, Royston G. Lawrence
University of Birmingham
Jon G. Ayres
University of Aberdeen
David Mark
Health & Safety Laboratory
(1) R.M. Harrison,
C.A. Thornton, R.G. Lawrence, D. Mark, R.P. Kinnersley and J.G. Ayres. Personal exposure monitoring of particulate matter, nitrogen
dioxide and carbon monoxide, including susceptible groups. Occup. Environ.
Med., 59, 671-679 (2002).
(2) C.H. Linaker, A.J. Chauthan, H.M. Inskip,
S.T. Holgate, D. Coggon. Personal exposures of children to nitrogen dioxide relative to
concentrations in outdoor air. Occup. Environ. Med., 57, 472-176 (2000).
(3) D. Mark, S.L. Upton, C.P. Lyons, R. Appleby, E.J. Dyment, W.D.
Griffith and A.A. Fox. Personal exposure measurements of the general public to atmospheric
particles. Ann. Occup. Hyg., 41, Suppl 1, 700-706 (1997).
(4) N.A.H. Janssen, G. Hoek, B. Brunekreef, H. Harssema, I. Mensink and A.
Zuidhof. Personal sampling of particles in adults: Relation among personal,
indoor and outdoor air concentrations. Am. J. of Epidemiol., 147, 537-547 (1998).
(5) L. Wallace. Correlations of personal exposure to particles with outdoor air
measurements: A review of recent studies. Aerosol Sci. & Technol., 32, 15-25 (2000).
Rushton's recent article on the reporting of occupational and environmental research raises a number of useful points that all researchers would do well to remember when writing up epidemiological findings for publication. Without expressly intending to do so, however, the article also emphasizes the hazards of establishing formal criteria or
checklists for the evaluation of scientific work. Good epi...
Rushton's recent article on the reporting of occupational and environmental research raises a number of useful points that all researchers would do well to remember when writing up epidemiological findings for publication. Without expressly intending to do so, however, the article also emphasizes the hazards of establishing formal criteria or
checklists for the evaluation of scientific work. Good epidemiological practices certainly exist, but one of the pitfalls inherent in attempts to codify them is that, by their nature, lists of the features of "good"
research tend to impose a "one size fits all" standard, which - like clothing of the same description - fits nothing particularly well.
The prospect of developing formal guidelines for reporting analyses based on multivariable models illustrates the difficulties. Science involves many kinds of activities, but the significant advances come about through the creative application of human intellect, rather than by rote
repetition of the familiar. Like other aspects of science, epidemiological data analysis blends attention to factual detail with creativity, intuition, judgement and even aesthetics. From the initial choice of model
form to the final specification of covariates and interaction terms, there may be many reasonable ways to model a given data set. Researchers should
be at liberty to analyze their data according to their individual scientific insights. In subsequent evaluations of methods and results, reviewers likewise should be encouraged to apply their scientific judgement, rather than following a recipe.
The opportunity cost involved in demonstrating compliance with guidelines for good practice may also be considerable, as Rushton suggests. Between the growing fear of litigation and mounting demands for accountability, especially in the United States, epidemiologists may
soon spend more time documenting adherence to protocol than doing science.
My particular fear, however, is that guidelines will be used to assail sound research on the grounds that it fails to comply with supposed standards of good science. The misuse of Bradford Hill's ideas about causality illustrates the danger. Hill intended his suggestions as an aid
to researchers, not as evaluative standards for critics; he wrote: "I do not believe...that we can usefully lay down some hard-and-fact rules of evidence that must be obeyed before we accept cause and effect. None of my nine viewpoints ... can be required as a sine qua non. What they can do, with greater or less strength, is help us to make up our minds on the fundamental question." [1] Yet, Hill's ideas are frequently presented as criteria that must be fulfilled for a study's evidence to be accepted.[2]
The involvement of such obviously self-interested groups as the Chemical Manufacturers Association in promoting "good epidemiological practices" makes the potential misuse of guidelines to suppress good research seem all too likely.
I do not mean to suggest that all epidemiological research should be published or accepted at face value, far from it. There will always be a need for review to ensure the quality of published work and to protect the public from policies based on unsound science. I am convinced, however,
that peer review coupled with the opportunity for criticism and debate in the open literature provide the best pathway to this goal. In contrast with standardized criteria, these processes allow multiple, independent readers' perspectives concerning the methodological quality, and the substantive importance of research to be heard. As a result, they reduce
the chances that unconventional but valuable views will be suppressed or that an interested group could gain control over the process for their own purposes.
1. Hill AB. The environment and disease: association or causation? Proc R Soc Med 1965;58:295-300.
2. Gamble JF. PM2.5 and mortality in long-term prospective cohort studies: cause-effect or statistical association? Environ Health Perspect 1998;106:535-549.
With interest we read the article by Gustavsson and colleagues [1] on the breast cancer risk in a cohort with night work. The authors started from two facts: First, “night shift work” [2] was classified as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2A) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer [IARC]; second, the evidence in humans was considered limited because of variable results and potential bias. Since prior studies had problems regarding exposure assessment, Gustavsson et al. emphasized their very detailed registry-based data on night work. Yet, as key result the authors noted that “conclusions are limited due to a short period of follow-up and lack of information of night work before 2008”. Thus, this study perpetuates limited epidemiological evidence for the carcinogenicity of night work. Although the limited data on shift work is a drawback of this study, it is not the only limitation. We would like to discuss a conceptual problem that may have contributed to the limited conclusions and that the authors did not address.
Show MoreThe IARC monograph mentions chronotype and sleep 73 and 199 times, respectively [2]. Chronotype tells us when persons prefer sleep or work and activity. Potentially harmful circadian disruption (CD) [3] can occur at any time over 24 hours when activities or sleep are misaligned with the chronotype-associated biological nights [3 4] or biological days. This leads to occupational and non-occupational CD [5]. Possible effects of not c...
The paper by Go et al (Occup Environ Med 2023;80425-30) is an important reminder of the problem of quartz in coal mine dusts and of its association with early development of pneumoconiosis, often associated with unusual radiological patterns. The UK work which they kindly cite brought to light a problem for regulation of the quartz in coal mine dust – that in many cases quartz concentrations greater than 0.1mg/m3 in mine environments seemed not to be associated with development of silicosis. Experimentally, the toxicity of quartz is reduced when it is associated, as is usual in coal mines, with a high concentration of other silicates, which occlude the crystal surface. This led to the pragmatic solution of ignoring quartz if it constituted less than 10% of the total mine dust concentration (which then was regulated as less than 5mg/m3).
Show MoreThese difficulties in setting and monitoring compliance with a quartz standard in coal mines are obsolete in UK as long as mines remain closed. However, while mining continues elsewhere it is important to recognise that miners know when they are cutting rock and so do their employers. When this is happening it should be recognised that they are at risk of silicosis and, as the authors show, the implications are far more serious for their health than those from coal alone; any early radiological evidence is usually too late for the miners and extra action to increase their safety needs to be required of the employer in these circumstan...
This study reports an alarming prevalence of silicosis in Victoria, Australia at 28.2% among workers in the stone benchtop industry (SBI). [1] That prevalence is higher than reported in SBI workers in another Australian state of Queensland (22.7%). [4] The Victorian silicosis screening program reported respiratory function tests and chest x-rays to be of limited value in screening this high-risk population which has significant implications for health and safety policy. It also calls into question the adequacy of current screening programs in other Australian States and Territories.
In the adjoining state of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, there has been an obligation on the health and safety regulator (SafeWork NSW) to maintain a Dust Diseases Register and to provide a report on the Register at the end of each financial year since October 2020. This information is provided and published in the NSW Dust Disease Register Annual Report. However, no information is provided on the total number of workers screened (or the denominator) to enable understanding of the incidence and prevalence of silicosis in NSW.
A desk-based “case finding” study from May 2021 in NSW estimated the average incidence (new cases) of silicosis among engineered stone workers in NSW at between 4% and 9% for the three-year reporting period, and suggested that incidence values may also be considered as the estimated prevalence within SBI workers. [3] This prevalence estimate is significant...
Show MoreDr. Burstyn, in his commentary (1), underscores the critical importance of using the best exposure assessment methods possible to minimize misclassification. We agree about the value of expert formulated models for systematically and transparently documenting exposure assessment1, but caution that many existing studies may not be readily adapted to such model building. For such studies, the best alternative exposure ass...
Dose-dependent diagnostic efficiency and self-reporting related to a longer work history and hence to cumulative dose could explain the above-average risk of cataracts in radiologic technologists [1]. Of concern was the discrepancy between the findings for cataract history and cataract surgery, where risks for the latter were somewhat lower and generally not significant [1]. A similar pattern of significant excess relative risk (ERR) for cataract and non-significant ERR for cataract surgery has also been reported in the Mayak nuclear workers. [2,3]. This agrees with the concept of dose-dependent diagnostic efficiency with detection of mild cases not requiring surgery. Among the various groups that have been studied for radiation-associated cataract, a significant ERR for cataract surgery has been reported only in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors [4-6], where the effect of the acute exposure could indeed have taken place. More details [7].
Show More1. Little MP, Cahoon EK, Kitahara CM, Simon SL, Hamada N, Linet MS. Occupational radiation exposure and excess additive risk of cataract incidence in a cohort of US radiologic technologists. Occup Environ Med. 2020 Jan;77(1):1-8. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2019-105902.
2. Azizova TV , Hamada N , Grigoryeva ES , et al. . Risk of various types of cataracts in a cohort of Mayak workers following chronic occupational exposure to ionizing radiation. Eur J Epidemiol2018;33:1193–204.doi:10.1007/s10654-018-0450-4
3. Azizova TV , Hamad...
Dear Editor
The article titled mental ill health and fitness for work [1] by Glozier has focused on work related mental ill health issues and has discussed various topics like screening, safety and legal issues. However as the work environments differ considering bio-psycho-social factors and different levels of exposure, which are known to increase the vulnerability for the psychiatric disorder in the workers [2] it w...
Dear Editor
The article by Harrison and colleagues’[1] reports on a relationship between personal and static microenvironment air sampling for carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide and for PM10 which include the addition "of a personal cloud increment." Static sampling is also commonly referred to as area or stationary sampling.[2,3] These relationships are important because static sampling is more easily achieved th...
Dear Editor
The paper by Harrison et al.[1] and the accompanying editorial by Cherrie [2] address the important issue of personal exposure assessment (of air pollutants) in environmental epidemiology. After reading both papers we would like to make some comments with regard to the design, conduct and statistical analysis of the study by Harrison et al. and at the same time answer the question raised by...
Dear Editor
In commenting on our paper published recently in OEM,[1] Kromhout and van Tongeren admonish us for paying insufficient attention to the earlier literature on occupational pollutant exposures. Whilst no doubt an element of their criticism is justified, we feel that the exposure situation for the general public is sufficiently different that it should not be assumed that findings in the occupational...
Rushton's recent article on the reporting of occupational and environmental research raises a number of useful points that all researchers would do well to remember when writing up epidemiological findings for publication. Without expressly intending to do so, however, the article also emphasizes the hazards of establishing formal criteria or checklists for the evaluation of scientific work. Good epi...