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Myocardial infarction among male bus, taxi, and lorry drivers in middle Sweden.
  1. P Gustavsson,
  2. L Alfredsson,
  3. H Brunnberg,
  4. N Hammar,
  5. R Jakobsson,
  6. C Reuterwall,
  7. P Ostlin
  1. Department of Occupational Health, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.


    OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present case-referent study was to investigate the incidence of myocardial infarction among male professional drivers, taking the type of vehicles and area of residence into account. METHODS: The study base comprised all men aged 30-74 in five counties in middle Sweden during 1976-81 or 1976-84. Incident cases of the first episode of myocardial infarction were identified from registers of hospital admissions and causes of deaths. Referents were selected randomly from the study base. Information about occupation was obtained from the national censuses in 1970 and 1975. The possible impact from tobacco smoking and overweight were evaluated by simulations in combination with indirect data on these factors. RESULTS: The incidence of myocardial infarction was increased among bus drivers in Stockholm (relative risk (RR) = 1.53, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.15-2.05), and among taxi drivers both in Stockholm (RR 1.65, 95% CI 1.30-2.11) and in the surrounding rural counties (RR 1.82, 95% CI 1.17-2.82). A smaller increase was found among long distance lorry drivers, whereas the relative risk among short distance lorry drivers was close to unity. Indirect comparisons make it unlikely that the excess among bus drivers in Stockholm could be explained by uncontrolled confounding from tobacco smoking or overweight. A very high proportion (more than 80%) of urban bus drivers in Sweden report a combination of high psychological demands and low control at work. CONCLUSIONS: Different types of drivers are at different risk of myocardial infarction. Bus drivers in urban areas seem to be at an increased risk, which is unlikely to be explained by uncontrolled confounding from tobacco smoking or overweight. Psychosocial work conditions may play a part in the increased incidence of myocardial infarction among urban bus drivers and should be investigated further.

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