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Correction: Lifetime exposure to rubber dusts, fumes and N-nitrosamines and cancer mortality in a cohort of British rubber workers with 49 years follow-up

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Hidajat M, McElvenny DM, Ritchie P, et al. Lifetime exposure to rubber dusts, fumes and N-nitrosamines and cancer mortality in a cohort of British rubber workers with 49 years follow-up. Occup Environ Med 2020;77:316–23.

In the Discussion section on p. 257 third paragraph, starting ‘External Monte Carlo analyses based on information on smoking prevalence…’ reference #18 is incorrect; instead it should be reference #17, which points to the paper below:

Dost A, Straughan J, Sorahan T. A cohort mortality and cancer incidence survey of recent entrants 1982–91,to the UK rubber industry: findings for 1983–2004. Occup Med 2007;57:186–90.

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