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P.2.18 The curriculum implementation of occupational medicine in israel
  1. Shlomo Moshe
  1. 1Maccabi Healthcare Services, Occupational Medicine Department, Holon, Israel
  2. 2Sackler Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel


Background At the early 1990s occupational medicine (OM) was recognized as a specialty in Israel. Fifteen years later after gathering problems and shortcomings of the first curriculum, the Israeli Association of occupational medicine (IAOM) defined the framework for a new curriculum in order to have a modern and better curriculum.

Methods In the early 2000 an expert committee apointed by the IAOM suggested a new sylabous, based on the scientific literature. The recommendations were sent to all experts in OM in Israel, and other proffesional members like industrial hygienist. We got several responses. Most people suggested additional standards.

Results The curiculun includes 54 months of training programme. The characteristics of the new curriculum are: interaction between theory and practice; fields of knowledge, learning process; competencies which are needed; and multidisciplinarity. We added an obligatory walkthroug list of industries. Three of the walkthroug reports consists a part of the final oral examinations.

Conclusions The aim of the curriculum was to produce a comprhensive aproach in OM competencies. The curiculum was adopted by the Israeli Medical Association and Ministery of Health since 2010.

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