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O5B.6 Occupational contact dermatitis and how the community responses in developing country
  1. Shambhu Joshi
  1. Far Western Community Hospital, Kailali, Nepal


Background Dermatologic disorders generally have a major impact on patients daily activities, psychological and emotional state and social relationships in a resource poor setting. Country with different climate zones and environment as well as traditional use of herbal and increasing use of pesticides contact dermatitis is one of the important occupational hazards in construction workers, nearby people and it often leads to poor quality of life of the workers with substantial financial loss.

Methods This study was conducted in three different geographic population. Free health camp was organized with total 310 cases of dermatologic problems were registered in Skin OPD last two years. Patients includes children to geriatric population both male and female groups.

Results Out of the total 42% were male and 58% were female patients. Contact dermatitis were found among 28% of the patients, age and sex had no significant role on prevalence of Contactdermatitis. Urban area patients have tendency due to hair dye, industrial cement and detergents, however rural area patients have causation due to herbal plants (Parthenium dermatitis) and traditional occupational works. Both have nickel, atopic and unknown cause. Foot was the most commonly involved site (25.7% of patients). Atopy was present in 18 patients (25.7%). A total of 22 irritant reactions were noted in 13 patients. Most of the patients neglect the contact dermatitis due to lack of health information and use of irrational medication also seen.

Conclusion Most of the contact dermatitis is preventative and manageable in time. Due to Climate, geographical areas, literacy difference community preventive health program plays important role, it. Prick-Patch testing, Teledermatology and Geographical information system is another future perspective for dermatology disease mapping in Nepal so that the government can make essential policy, programs for communities so that we can prevent and treat the contact-dermatitis on time.

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