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O4A.1 Night shiftwork, dna methylation, and telomere length in female nurses
  1. Michele Carugno1,
  2. Eleonora Crespi1,
  3. Valentina Bollati1,
  4. Letizia Tarantini1,
  5. Laura Dioni1,
  6. Luca Ferrari1,
  7. Matteo Bonzini1,2,
  8. Dario Consonni2,
  9. Cristina Maggioni1,
  10. Giovanni Costa1,2,
  11. Angela Cecilia Pesatori1,2
  1. 1Dept. of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
  2. 2Unit of Occupational Health, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy


Introduction Studies on female nurses have reported a higher breast cancer risk among night shift (NS) workers, without a clear understanding of the underlying biological mechanisms.

Aim To assess the association between night shiftwork and molecular alterations potentially related to a higher carcinogenic risk, in details: DNA methylation of estrogen receptor (ER-Alpha, ER-Beta) and tumor suppressor (BRCA1, BRCA2, p53, p16) genes, global DNA methylation estimated on repeated elements (LINE-1, Alu), and telomere length (TL).

Methods 46 female nurses who had been working in NS for at least two years in a Hospital in Milan, Italy, were matched by age (30–45 years) and length of service (at least 5 years) with 51 female colleagues not working in NS. Each subject was administered a structured questionnaire and withdrawn a 12 ml blood sample. We applied linear regression models adjusted for age, BMI, smoking habit, parity, and oral contraceptive use.

Results Currently working in NS (yes/no) was associated with hypomethylation of ER-Alpha (β: −1.635, 95% CI: −2.715; −0.554). When examining both current and former NS workers, the number of years (NY) in NS was associated with hypermethylation of Alu (β: 0.078, 95% CI: 0.016; 0.138). After graphical inspection of the association between NYNS and TL, we classified the study population according to NS duration (<15 vs.≥15 years). Among workers with at least 15 years of NS, NYNS was associated with TL reduction (β: −0.065, 95% CI: −0.122; −0.008) and hypomethylation of ER-Alpha (β: −2.009, 95% CI: −3.164; −0.853). Association between NYNS and hypermethylation of p53, p16, BRCA1, BRCA2, and LINE-1 was much stronger, albeit not significant, in workers with at least 15 years of NS.

Conclusions Our findings show NS-associated epigenetic alterations that might be involved in processes such as cellular aging, genomic instability, and cancer development.

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