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Original article
Parental occupational exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields and risk of leukaemia in the offspring: findings from the Childhood Leukaemia International Consortium (CLIC)
- Correspondence to Dr Joachim Schüz, Environment and Radiation Section, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon CEDEX 08, France; schuzj{at}
Parental occupational exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields and risk of leukaemia in the offspring: findings from the Childhood Leukaemia International Consortium (CLIC)
Publication history
- Received January 14, 2019
- Revised June 4, 2019
- Accepted June 30, 2019
- First published July 29, 2019.
Online issue publication
September 12, 2019
Article Versions
- Previous version (12 September 2019).
- Previous version (12 September 2019).
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