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525 Group experiential intervention in greek health professionals for the confrontation of mobbing
  1. Koinis Aristotelis1,
  2. Velonakis Emmanouil2,
  3. Tzavella Fotini3,
  4. Tziaferi G Styliani4
  1. 1Clinical Psychologist, MSc, PhD(c), Psychiatric Sector, General Hospital of Argolida/Dep. of Nursing Laboratory of Integrated Health Care, University of Peloponnese Sparti, Greece
  2. 2Professor of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences NKU Athens,Greece
  3. 3Lecturer in Sociology of Health, University of Peloponnese, Sparta, Greece
  4. 4Assistant Professor of Community Nursing, Dep. of Nursing Laboratory of Integrated Health Care, University of Peloponnese, Sparta, Greece


Introduction There are many ways to tackle with mobbing, with mainstream counselling and psychological support either on a group or an individual level. Group experiential interventions focus on the infected worker.

Aim The purpose of such intervention programs will be the relief and emotional discharge of the symptoms of mobbing in workers in a hospital sector.

Material and methods In the focus groups will participate 40 health professionals voluntarily, in the intervention part of a study’s protocol that is in process referring to a Doctoral Thesis in a Greek University. Sessions will take place in a public hospital, twice a week for 4 hours. 13 sessions will be held, organised in 4 groups of 10 people each. Interpersonal supportive psychotherapy treatment plan including techniques such as taking an individual-social-family history, role playing, drama therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy in a group therapeutic milieu. In particular, participants by playing roles, people relive the traumatic events, express their feelings, and the therapist helps to reduce negative emotions and to make adaptive beliefs. Also through the techniques of drama (mirror, chairs, narrative counselling, the individual expresses the history of his life in order to understand, evaluate and reassess his experiences.) The therapy does not aim at stirring internal psychological processes but illuminating the particular problem of a person-society relationship. The therapist’s mission is to help the participants to overcome the problem. Through the techniques of cognitive behavioural therapy, participants will recognise their dysfunctional thoughts, process their feelings and behaviours about mobbing and with the help of the therapist will try to ‘change’ the way of thinking about their working lives.

Results This therapeutic approach will be used in order to strengthen the individuals self esteem, self appreciation and make them aware of their negative automatic cognitions and to produce data that may solve the problem of mobbing in their workplace.

Discussion The study expects to record accurately the size of the problem and indicate the appropriate tools for the implementation of interventions (prevention and awareness programs) both by mental health specialists and the decision makers and to enrich the scientific literature.

  • mobbing
  • intervention programs
  • health professionals

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