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930 Networm project, romanian experience
  1. Elena-Ana Păuncu,
  2. Florina Georgeta Popescu,
  3. Cristina Livia Borcan
  1. University of Medicine and Pharmacy ‘Victor Babes’ (UMFVBT), Timisoara, Romania


Introduction Training undergraduate students in occupational medicine is a challenge for university teachers. To choose an ‘interesting’ curriculum, to present problems in an attractive way, to maintain students’ interest are some aspects that we must take in consideration. In Timisoara we apply blended learning for our students.

Methods NetWoRM (‘Net-based Training for Work-Related Medicine’) is an international project for remote education in occupational medicine, which was initiated by the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.

It was implemented in Romania, Timisoara, Medicine University since 2007. Virtual patients from Casus platform were available for Timisoara students in Romanian and English language. Classroom participation is encouraged too, considering it can improve student achievement.

Results Students had to solve voluntary ten occupational medicine cases. These were typical cases: Running nose and breathlessness fits, Stomach cramps and anaemia, The Flight attendant, Forestry worker with white fingers, Needle stick injury, They who search will find, Patient with chronic dyspnoea needs your help!, Bright like the sun, Work accident due by alcohol, Workplace Survey. In the period of 2014–2017 1255 users worked in 11 532 sessions (11 325 were finished). There were 9.04 sessions per student, with 29.27 min average time spent to solve one case.

Conclusion Teaching with virtual patient was effective. The virtual cases are well accepted and capture the interest of students. The positive experience of using NetWoRM in UMFVBT for more than 10 years is a good reason to continue.

  • student
  • occupational medicine
  • virtual patient

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