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1675e The new danish framework for knowledge translation and exchange (kte)
  1. I Schaumburg
  1. National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark


Introduction The NRCWE’s is a government research institute. This makes relevance and user-orientation basic terms when it comes to the institute’s working environment research and research dissemination. However, our experiences shows that there may be a gap between research results and the workplaces’ ability to put research into practice. For different reasons, research results are not always put into practice, and the causes to the problem cannot be limited to be a communication problem only. The NRCWE is thus conducting research with the purpose to increase our knowledge of implementation possibilities and to develop new operational methods. Systematic involvement of stakeholders and target groups during the whole research process and development of collaboration, networks and partnerships in dissemination of research are central elements. The NRCWE’s ambition is to develop and implement Knowledge Transfer and Exchange (KTE) in its overall strategy 2018–2021.

Methods The NRCWE has been working with the development and implementation of a relevant KTE-strategy on several levels:

  1. For the entire research center

  2. In the different research areas

  3. In specific research projects

  4. In the dissemination of research.

Results The aim is not only to increase the use of research results at the workplaces but also to strengthen the Danish Working Environment Authority, The Ministry of Employment’s, the social partners and occupational health professional’s use of research-based knowledge.

Conclusion Experiences and preliminary results from projects within different research areas will be presented iincluding what the new strategy means for the communication of research results.

  • Stakeholder and target group involvement
  • knowledge translation
  • occupational safety and health

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