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125 Holistic approach towards employees’ lifestyle management through wellness programs to reduce non communicable diseases burden
  1. Divyesh Chauhan
  1. Centre for Innovation and Technology, Hero MotCorp Limited, Jaipur, India


Introduction With the increased levels of competition in the business, employees today are being faced with a serious threat of non-communicable diseases like Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Heart diseases etc. Various factors affecting the lifestyle are Bad Food Habits, Smoking, stress, overweight, sedentary lifestyle etc. To halt the progression of unhealthy lifestyle and its outcome, a tailored education and lifestyle management interventions is designed which directly or indirectly lower the risks and improve outcomes.

Methods All the employees who undergo for annual health examination are considered in the study. From annual health examination data the age, past history, family history smoking and alcohol habits, BMI, Blood pressure, Fasting Blood sugar, and Cholesterol and exercises habit were considered. Accordingly the employees were divided in mild, moderate and severe risk group.

A tailored and personalised intervention programs were conducted with targeting modifiable risk factors and behaviour changes focus on encouraging physical activity, weight management, smoking cessation, and stress management. Multi modal communication like awareness talks, Diet Counselling, Health tips, Health talks, guest lectures, structured health programs, Yoga session, one to one counselling session electronic media, movie etc. helped in raising awareness and changing attitude towards lifestyle management.

Results The health status of employees has shown tremendous improvements month on month basis as they have become more sensitised and aware towards their health issues and its consequences. Improved work culture, reduction in sickness absenteeism, employees coming forward for counselling sessions.

Conclusion Poor Lifestyle management is one of the main culprits in rising numbers of non-Communicable disease. Holistic approach is required to improve the unhealthy lifestyle and to change the attitude toward it. Successful Wellness programs are one of the most effective tools for the same.

  • Factors affecting Lifestyle
  • Employees Sensitisation
  • Interventional Programs

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