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457 An evaluation of workplace stress in an qatari oil and gas company
  1. A El Makaty
  1. Qatar Engineering and Construction Company, Doha, Qatar


Introduction This research aims to identify and to evaluate workplace stress risks in an oil and gas contracting company in the State of Qatar. The study is conducted using a specific work-related stress risk assessment methodology developed by the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (INAIL). The goal of this research is to propose efficient control measures to tackle such risks and to enhance employee job satisfaction in the company. Moreover, the study focuses on investigating the aspects of work demands, controls and other associated factors with work stress that might be adversely affecting the employees in the core operations of the organisation.

Methods Both qualitative and quantitative methods of research were applied throughout the study using the INAIL approach. The methodology is applied to an intended convenience sample of 210 employees of the Maintenance and Shutdown Department in the company, which observes a work force of 1662 employees, contributing to a sample value of 12.5%.

Results Overall results demonstrate low presence of work stress. However, there is a clear need for improvement in the areas of demands, control, relationships and change with particular minor considerations for managerial support area.

Conclusion The findings from this research established a firm ground intended for applying a work-related stress improvement strategy in the company which includes:

  • the application of the INAIL method tailored for the organisation’s use. However, this can be done when both checklist and questionnaire are applied, regardless of the low–risk scores, in order to assess critical sub–areas;

  • HSE indicator tool questionnaire should be elaborated more for the employees, particularly for the blue collar workers;

  • establishing a commitment towards the management of work stress through a clear policy, trainings and education on psychosocial factors is essential for the success of this tool.

  • Psychosocial risks
  • Qatar
  • Work stress

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