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436 Risk of workaholism among hospital medical staff: an epidemiological study
  1. R Pougnet1,2,3,
  2. L Pougnet4,
  3. P Saliou5,
  4. A Le Menn1,
  5. JD Dewitte1,3,
  6. B Loddé1,2,
  7. P Bodenez6
  1. 1EA 4686, Medical Ethics, European University of Brittany, Brest, France
  2. 2Occupational diseases unit, University Hospital, Brest, France
  3. 3EA 3149, Sociology, European University of Brittany, Brest, France
  4. 4Military Hospital, Clermont-Tonnerre, Brest, France
  5. 5Public Health, European University of Brittany, Brest, France
  6. 6Psychiatry, University Hospital, Brest, France


Introduction ‘Workaholism’, an addiction to work, is a pathology which has been recognised since the 1970s. It is generally found in around 10% of workers, yet one study on doctors working in a hospital environment demonstrated that 30% suffered from the condition. This study’s objective is to evaluate the prevalence of workaholism among doctors in a university teaching hospital, and to analyse the links to working conditions and the imbalance between effort and reward.

Methodology Cross-sectional survey of doctors in a university teaching hospital, using an anonymous online questionnaire via Sphinx Online© software. The questionnaire consisted of general questions, specific questions on psychoactive substances (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and others), Siegrist’s effort-reward imbalance questionnaire and the Work Addiction Risk Tests (WART) questionnaire. Results were analysed using Excel© and Biostatgv©.

Reuslts There were 162 participants, a rate of 30% of relevant personnel. The principal psychoactive substance used by participants was alcohol: 81.3% of subject reported consuming it. An effort-reward imbalance was present in 18% of subjects who participated in the study. The risk of workaholic was identified in 48% of the cohort: 17% were high risk and 31% medium risk. There was a link between workaholism and effort-reward imbalance (p<0,001).

Conclusion The frequency of workaholism among doctors is much higher than the general population. From this study the link with work-related stress may help direct primary prevention efforts for this condition.

  • Medical staff
  • Hospital
  • Workplace
  • Behaviour
  • Addictive
  • Job Satisfaction

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