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Introduction Smoking has been identified as a risk factor associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Is itself one of the most widespread addictions and one of the most social accepted.
Methods We report results and experience of 18 years work in the workplace in Argentina. We selected 300 medical records. We also describe the therapeutic framework and the protocol used during the different phases.
Result 75% were included in group sessions and 25% in individual. 63% abandoned the program. Those who abandoned 4% quit smoking, 65% controlled and made a significant reduction of smoking, 22% improved other healthy life style factors and 9% didn´t change. Those who finished the program 50% quit smoking, 32% controlled and made a significant reduction of smoking and 18% improved other healthy life style factors.
Discussion Results achieved by the participants included in group sessions were better than the achieved by participants in individual sessions. This situation remarks the importance of group dynamic in this kind of habit change process.
Results achieved by the participants that started the process with low motivation were similar than the achieved by the participants with high motivation. We can assume that it is no necessary to be highly motivated to start this kind of process.
We could observe high presence of anxiety and depression co morbidity (71%) in the participant population. This situation remarks the importance of the participation of the mental health professionals in the tobacco cessation programs.