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1672 Managing psychosocial working conditions
  1. Robert L Kerr
  1. Ulster University, UK


This session will explore the recent advancements made in managing psychosocial working conditions within Ireland, the UK and Sweden. The presentations will cover: the benefits of adopting a ‘positive’ approach to psychosocial risk management, the feasibility of adopting a single-item measure of psychosocial working conditions, intervention approaches used within Ireland, the UK and Sweden to improve working conditions, and rapid methods for evaluating intervention effectiveness.

1R Kerr, 2P Buckley, 3J Houdmont, 4R Randall, 5Hultgren

1Ulster University, UK

2Heath and Safety Executive, UK

3University of Nottingham, UK

4Loughborough University, UK

5The Coaching Psychology Unit, University of London, UK,

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