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473 ‘resilience plus’: promoting self care & wellbeing by connecting with ourselves, each other and our work
  1. K Costelloe1,2,3,
  2. B Lynch4,
  3. J Wilson O’Raghallaigh4,
  4. J Lavelle4
  1. 1Head of Learning and Development, RGN, MSc, PGDip, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
  2. 2Counselling Services Manager, MSc Mindfulness Based Interventions, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
  3. 3Dr. Principal Clinical Psychologist, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
  4. 4MSc Candidate Psychology, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland


Introduction The objective of Resilience Plus was to design, test, implement and evaluate an intervention to support health care employee wellbeing. A positive and supportive work environment is associated with reduced hospitalisation and costs, increased effectiveness and innovation, increased well-being, improved multi-disciplinary team delivered patient care, lower patient mortality, reduced error rates, reduced turnover and reduced sickness absence.

Methods Following a learning needs analysis and informed by clinical experience the programme was co – designed to combine direct learning, peer support and home practice over nine weeks. Staff across mixed disciplines and grades come together to share experiences and learning in a supportive, non-judgemental environment. Three quantitative questionnaires were selected to collect data: General Health Questionnaire (GHO – 12), Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale. Measures are completed prior to programme, at week 9 and 6 months post completion.

Results More than 130 employees attended the training programme during 2015/16, with 99% of participants completing the programme. ANOVA testing determined there were statistically significant differences pre and post on the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (F 91.73, 46.82)=6.16, p<0.01), the Schutte Self Report (1.69, 45.69)=15.96, p<0.00) and the GHQ (F(1.51, 40.74)=8.50, p<0.00). These improvements were maintained at 6 month follow up, which suggests the effects of the programme are maintained.

Discussion Resilience Plus is contributing to autonomous self-care and improvements in general health and wellbeing amongst employees in a large acute Hospital setting. The diversity of programme attendees is contributing to shared learning and networking across boundaries. By tapping into internal expertise and developing internal capacity to deliver the programme we have created a cost effective, sustainable model that is directly transferable to the wider health care setting.

  • Self Care
  • Resilience
  • Emotional Intelligence

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