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378 Prevalence of burnout syndrome among surgical resuscitation staff at the chu sylvanus olympio (togo)
  1. K Kara-Peketi1,
  2. YA Agbobli1,
  3. L Djilogou1,
  4. F Pandao2
  1. 1University of Lomé (TOGO)
  2. 2Pôle santé travail environnement et recherche (TOGO)


Introduction Burn out or burnout syndrome is a state of emotional exhaustion, dehumanisation of relationship to other, and decreased performance in response to chronic occupational stress.

Methods This is a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study carried out among the practitioners of all the resuscitation departments of the CHU Sylvanus Olympio in Lomé.

Results The caregivers were divided into 11 physicians, 9 medical interns, 7 senior anaesthesia technicians, 1 resuscitation anaesthesia master, 50 state nurses, 1 masseur and physiotherapist. 35 (44.30%) had a high level of emotional exhaustion. Burn out was found in 69.60% of caregivers, of whom 17 (21.50%) had a moderate burnout and 3 (3.80%), a high level of burn out. The causes significantly related to the occurrence of burn out were: lack of resources (diagnostic and therapeutic tools) (p=0.00005), reduced staff size (p=0.00004), poor organisation of the service (p=0.0004).

Discussion In our study, the prevalence of burnout was 69.60% of the nursing staff. In Morocco, AOUNTI Lotfi found in 2014 that 79.10% of caregivers working in the resuscitation departments of the anaesthesia resuscitation department of the CHU Hassan II in Fez were burning out.

  • Burnout syndrome
  • work stress
  • resuscitation

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