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1020 Systematic interventions to reduce psychosocial factors impact in the workplace
  1. Cecilia Colautti,
  2. Javier Naveros,
  3. Sergio Orlandini Cappannari
  1. Argentinean Association of Health Promotion, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Introduction The impact of psychosocial factors on work life and extra-work life is increasing. Globally, mental disorders, many of them chronic, will be the single most costly component in health. In 2010 the global cost of mental disorders was $2.5 trillion, projecting an increase to $6 trillion by 2030. Depression costs more than cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes combined. The impact on work is undeniable and at the same time can be a scenario for improving the health and quality of life of employees. Psychosocial factors are decisive, both in relation to the causes and prevention of mental disorders and in health promotion. In the work context we call psychosocial risk factors to those factors that originate in the organisation of work and which generate physiological, emotional, cognitive and behavioural responses that require coping responses and that can be precursors of diseases in certain circumstances of Intensity, frequency, and duration when coping is inadequate or insufficient. In the last years the ways and techniques for measure psychosocial factors in the workplace were improving and providing a clearer scenario on this problem. The concept of stress was comprehensively understood, considering the negative and positive aspects. The abilities of people to be exposed to stressors are key in dimensioning psychosocial risk. Resilience emerges as a personal and relational skill that can be trained and strengthened.

Methods Depression, stress at home and work related stress, worksite psychosocial factors and resilience were measured in a people population compounded of employees of different companies located in Latin America. PHQ9, SSOS, ISTAS21 and Wagnild and Young resilience scale were used to measure previous and post intervention. We have developed strategies to manage psychosocial factors in the workplace based in applied neuroscience; work psycho sociology; cognitive behavioural therapy and health coaching are useful to reduce psychosocial factors and to develop personal and collective resources for mental wellbeing.

Result 50% reduction in psychosocial risks impact in the workplace was achieved in a 400 employees population.

Discussion Systematic interventions are useful to reduce psychosocial factors and to develop personal and collective resources for mental wellbeing. Both, organisational and personal training are the key to promotion and protection of mental wellbeing in the workplace.

  • Occupational Health
  • Psychosocial Factors
  • Resilience

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