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1529 Women history and challenges working in the armed force
  1. Marta Prado1,
  2. Claudio García2,
  3. Osvaldo Birreci3
  1. 1Head of the Occupational Health Service of Laboratorios Elea Argentina
  2. 2Chief of Occupational Medicine of the Atucha Nuclear Power Plant of Argentina
  3. 3Doctor of Preventive Medicine of the Aeronautical Direction of Argentina


Introduction The Argentine Republic is a nation where women workers have struggled exhaustively to insert themselves in the working field, having achieved a relatively positive change during the last decades. Beyond this new and prosperous paradigm for women, it must be acknowledged that one of the places where a substantial change is observed is in the armed forces, where historically the role of women has been relegated to a secondary plane, fulfilling tasks of support to complement the tasks of male workers. Nowadays, it is a fact that this previous role has deeply changed in an unthinkable way, where women have the possibility to actively participate in areas that involve decision-making and conducting teams. Furthermore, a development must be done to prevent actions of how the occupational risks inherent of this new function will impact, taking into account the primary role of women within the family, helping to make both tasks possible.

Methods An analysis of the assignments performed by women within the Armed Forces of Argentina was carried out during the last 20 years. The main objective of this study was to examinate the physical and psychological impacts these new tasks had on women.

Results Although the statistics available are quite limited, it must be observed that nearly 40% of the population analysed showed psychic manifestations such as high pressure and family problems, and 20% have had physical manifestations just as their endocrine system (altered menstrual rhythm, thyroid disorders, infertility, among others.), or cardiac or gastrointestinal issues like arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, irritable colon, and gastritis.

Conclusion To conclude with, it must be said that changes are relatively recent and statistics available are limited. However, the observed data showed that a remarkable emphasis should be placed on the development of a Preventive Program held by the Occupational Health Services of the Armed Forces to identify an early and effective way of the signs and symptoms that show alterations in the health of women workers, which will result from not being treated in time, causing in most of the cases a detriment of their health and a poor standard of living.

  • Argentina
  • Women Workers
  • Armed Force

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