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1739 Working women and migration: never-ending challenges?
  1. Rima Habib1,
  2. Julietta Rodriguez-Guzman2
  1. 1Professor and Chair, Dept. of Environmental Health, Fac. of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
  2. 2Professor Associate, Graduate Program on Occupational Health, Fac. of Medicine, El Bosque University, Bogota, Colombia


The aim of this special session To address the challenging working, employment and living conditions that migrant women workers face in unequal foreign the labour markets.

1J Fanchette, 2I Bello, 3N Lepink

1Scientific Action Group, PREVOR, Valmondois, France

2Dr. University of Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela

3Dr. International Labour Office, Geneva, Swiss

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